Part-45-One Pager Snapshot to the Latest Cases

-Cancellation of Registration without following Principle of Natural Justice and illegalities at assessment stage cannot be cured by appellate stage

-Writ filed without exhausting statutory remedy and delegation of powers by Commissioner

-Refund cannot be denied as revenue proposes to file an appeal against order of the appellate authority



Case Subject



Cases Referred


Section 29

Cancellation of
Principle of
Natural Justice
and illegalities
at assessment
stage cannot be
cured by
appellate stage

Ultra Steel Ward v.
State of Madhya
Pradesh [2023] 151 285
(Madhya Pradesh

The High Court observed that the SCN did not contain sufficient reasons to enable petitioner to file a reply. By
saying that the registration has been obtained by fraud/wilful misstatement/suppression of facts, is not
sufficient. Such terms need to be supported by reasons and some fundamental supporting material as to why,
how and under what circumstances the registration was obtained. Further, SCN for rejection of application for
revocation of cancellation of registration referred to an application dated 11.02.2022 which was, in fact, a reply
to the SCN for cancellation of registration and, therefore, it appeared to the Court that Revenue has not even
cared to ensure that true facts are reflected from the SCN. The carelessness on the part of the Revenue was
referred to be palpable. The appellate authority while passing the appellate order brushed aside the cogent
ground of violation of principle of natural justice (audi alteram partem). Pertinently, the appellate authority
conducted a physical verification of the premises of assessee. Such physical verification at the appellate stage
in the opinion of the High Court could not validate the illegalities which had crept at the initial stage of show
cause notice.
The proceedings were held to be illegal and revenue was at liberty to proceed by issuing a fresh, proper and
lawful show cause notice to the petitioner-assessee, if they were so advised.

Mohinder Singh Gill and
another Vs. CEC and
others, (1978) 1 SCC 405;
Health Care Medical
Devices Pvt. Ltd. Vs. MP
Public Health Services
Corpn. Ltd. and another,
2021 SCC OnLine MP
3389; Balaji Enterprises
Vs. Principal Additional
Director General, DGGSTI
and Others, 2022 SCC
OnLine Del 3201;


Section 83

Writ filed
remedy and
delegation of
powers by

S. R. Traders v.
Additional Director
General [2023] 151 286

The High Court stated that the petitioner had approached the court without exhausting the statutory remedy
under Rule 159. It is well-settled that the writ jurisdiction was only to be exercised in extra-ordinary
The petitioner had further contended that only Commissioner was invested with the power to pass an order
under Section 83 but respondent stated that by notification, powers have been invested in the Additional
Director General. The High Court negated the contention and held that the respondent was competent to pass
order in view of express delegation of powers read with Sections 3 and 5 of the CGST Act.

M/s. Radha Krishan
Industries v. State of
Himachal Pradesh and
others [AIR 2021 SC 2114]


Section 54

Refun cannot be
denied as
proposes to file
an appeal
against order of
the appellate

Alex Tour and Travel
(P.) Ltd. v.
CGST [2023] 151 331

The refund due to the petitioner in pursuance of the order of the appellate authority was not granted on the
ground that the decision of the appellate authority was erroneous and Revenue proposes to file an appeal
against the said decision as and when an appellate tribunal is constituted. The assessing officer also insisted
to file fresh refund application.
The High Court directed to grant the refund and rejected the insistence of Revenue to file fresh refund
application since proceedings emanated from petitioner filing applications for refund which was culminated in
Orders-in-Appeals passed by the appellate authority. Revenue cannot ignore the orders passed by the
appellate authority mainly on the ground that it proposes to file an appeal. Further there was no order passed
by the Court, staying the effect of the Orders-in-Appeal passed by the appellate authority. The respondent was
also taking no steps for securing orders to that effect. In view of the above, the petition was held liable to be


Snapshot-35-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Service of Notice on Email ID not a valid service
-Order passed without giving sufficient time & without considering reply
-Exercise of Power U/Sec 74 not dependent on Sec 61
-Cash Credit A/c is not a debt and thus not attachable



Case Subject




73 and
Rule 142

Service of
Notice on Email
ID not a valid
service of Notice

Shri Shyam baba
Edible Oils v. Chief
[2023] 151 139
(Madhya Pradesh)

In the instant case, the service of show cause notice/order was challenged as the same was communicated through Email.
The High Court observed that a bare perusal of Rule 142 of CGST Rules, 2017 reveals that the only mode prescribed for communicating
the show-cause notice/order was by way of uploading the same on website of the revenue. The State in its reply had provided no material
to show that show-cause notice/order No.12 dated 10.06.2020 was uploaded on website of revenue. In fact, learned AAG conceded that
the show-cause notice/order was communicated to petitioner by Email and was not uploaded on website of the revenue. Therefore, the
High Court held that statutory procedure prescribed for communicating show-cause notice/order under Rule 142(1) of CGST Act was not
followed by the revenue, and thus the impugned order was struck down. The revenue was allowed the liberty to follow the procedure
prescribed under Rule 142 of CGST Act by communicating the show-cause notice to the petitioner by appropriate mode thereafter to
proceed in accordance with law.


29 and

Order passed
without giving
sufficient time to
the petitioner
and without
reply of the
petitioner set

Pakiza Steel LLP v.
Union of India [2023]
113 (Bombay

In the instant case, Petitioner had received a show cause notice on 5th September 2022 to show cause by 6 September 2022 that why the
registration should not be cancelled and by the said order, registration of the Petitioner was suspended with effect from that date. The
petitioner contended that although he did not have time to adequately prepare yet he submitted the reply and without considering the reply,
the final order came to be passed. It was further contended that although the impugned order referred to the reply, but it did consider the
same and the Authority proceeded to pass an order on entirely different ground on which the Petitioner did not get opportunity
The High Court observing that the impugned order had been passed in above circumstances directed that the petitioner be given an
opportunity before the final order of cancellation of registration is made However, they did not restore registration and registration continued
to remain suspended as per show cause notice.


61 and

Exercise of
Power under
Section 74 not
dependent on
issue of notice
under Section
61 and can be

Naarjuna Agro
Chemicals (P.) Ltd. v.
State of U.P. [2023]
112 (Allahabad)

The High Court did not accept the argument that unless deficiency in return is pointed out to the assesee, and an opportunity is given to
rectify such deficiency, that the department can proceed under Section 74 is not borne out from the statutory scheme and the argument in
that regard therefore, must fail. It was observed that the scrutiny proceedings of return as well as proceeding under Section 74 are two
separate and distinct exigencies and issuance of notice under Section 61(3), therefore, cannot be construed as a condition precedent for
initiation of action under Section 74 of the Act. The High Court further observed that the judgement in the matter of M/s. Vadivel Pyrotech
Private Ltd. v. The Assistant Commissioner, (2022 U.P.T.C. 1769) was limited to the facts of that case and do not lay down any proposition
of law which restricts the exercise of jurisdiction under Section 74 upon issuance of notice under Section 61(3) of the Act.
Therefore, the High Court held that merely because no notices were issued under Section 61 of the Act would not mean that issues of
classification or short payment of tax cannot be dealt with under Section 74 as exercise of such power is not dependent upon issuance of
notice under Section 61



facility is not a
debt and
therefore, not

Naarjuna Agro
Chemicals (P.) Ltd. v.
State of U.P. [2023]
112 (Allahabad)

The High Court held that cash-credit facility is not a debt and therefore, it cannot be made attachable and the Court was bound by the
above-stated precedent but cash-credit facility is not a debt and therefore, it cannot be made attachable. This Court is bound by the abovestated precedent; however Rule 159 clearly gives adequate power to the petitioner to file objection for releasing the bank account or, in the
instant case cash-credit facility, therefore when there was an efficacious relief in the statute itself, therefore, the High Court was of the view
that the petitioner should adopt such efficacious relief and Court was not inclined to afford any relief under Article 226 of the Constitution.
Cases Referred- Jugal Kishore Das v. Union of India reported in 2013 SCC Online Cal 19941, Radha Krishan Industries v. State of
Himachal Pradesh reported in 2021 (48) GSTL 113 (SC), Valerius Industries v. Union of India reported in 2019 (30) GSTL 15 (Guj),
Mardia Chemicals Limited v. Union of India [2004] 4 SCC 311, Overseas Bank v. Ashok Shaw Mill reported in [2009] 8 SCC 366.

Snapshot-31-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Nature, Classification & Value of Supply wherein activity of manufacturing of goods carried out with primary raw material supplied by the Recipient
-Supply of Aircraft Type Rating Training Services
-Availability of Alternative Remedy



Case Subject





Manufacture and supply
Precast Manholes and Rises
ON e Cement, & Steel (TMT
& Bars) supplied by the
recipient is supply of goods.
The activity does not fall
within the scope of Job Work.
The price to be charged from
the recipient i.e. M/s Larsen
& Toubro Ltd by the applicant
for supply of precast manhole
shall not the be transaction
value in terms of Section
The material which are to be
made available free of cost
by the recipient and are not
within the scope of applicant
for supply of precast manhole
shall form part of the
transaction value for the
purpose of levy of ta

Natani Precast [2023]
151 55

Applicant had received request for quotation for supply of precast Manholes by M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Two basic
ingredients i.e Cement, & Steel (TMT & Bars), used for manufacturing of precast manholes were to be supplied by M/s
Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Authority held that applicant had intention to manufacture and supply Precast Manholes and Rises and manufacturing
process submitted by the applicant itself reflected that the applicant was engaged in manufacturing of goods. Thus, the
instant transaction of supply of Precast Manholes and Rises was of supply of goods and not a supply of services.
Authority further held that since the applicant was involved in the manufacturing of Manholes and Rises and it could not be
termed as any treatment or process on the goods belonging to the recipient i.e. service of job work, even if inputs were
being supplied free of cost and these inputs wholly were being used in manufacturing of resultant goods and termed as
supply of goods not services. The authority further distinguished Circular No. 47/21/2018-GST, dated 8-6-2018 as it
pertained to an act of modification and treatment on a good wherein in the instant case of applicant, new goods were
manufactured from raw materials and not the work done on the goods belongs to recipient.
Authority further observed that since applicant is to manufacture and supply Precast Manholes and Rises as per specific
order from recipient but cement and iron was to be supplied by recipient on free of cost whereas if recipient were not to
supply main ingredients then it would have been borne by applicant. Thus, Free of cost supply of main ingredients from
recipient was nothing but mutual understanding between both parties which do not debar them from the essence of supply
of goods and consideration received under GST. Thus, it was held that by such type of adjustments applicant will receive
the consideration in barter. I.e. one consideration in the shape of price as per agreement and second in the shape of free
issue of essential inputs like cement and steels. Hence price to be charged from recipient i.e. M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd by
the applicant for supply of precast manhole shall not be transaction value in terms of Section 15(1) & 15(2) of the CGST /
RGST Act 2017 & material which are to be made available free of cost by the recipient and are not within the scope of
applicant for supply of precast manhole shall form part of the transaction value for the purpose of levy of tax



Supply of the aircraft type
rating training services to
commercial pilots is not
exempt from levy of GST

CAE Flight Training
(India) (P.) Ltd [2023]
151 54

The supply of the aircraft type rating training services to commercial pilots, in accordance with the training curriculum
approved by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation for obtaining the extension of aircraft type ratings on their existing
licenses, do not result into a qualification as the applicant imparts training and issues only course completion certificate and
thus the impugned services are not covered under SI. No. 66 (a) of the Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.6.2017 and thus are exigible to GST under the CGST/ KGST Act 2017


29 and

Since alternative remedy was
available therefore the High
Court relegated the matter to
concerned authority

Syed Wasim Rohman
v. State of Assam
[2023] 151 53

The petitioner approached the High Court for revocation of cancellation of registration. The High Court observed that
Section 30 of Assam GST Act, 2017 provides alternative and efficacious remedy to the petitioner to apply for revocation of
the cancellation of the registration and thus the Court was of the considered opinion that the petitioner be relegated to the
concerned designated authority for availing remedy as prescribed under the provision of section 30(1) of the Assam GST
Act, 2017

Snapshot-25-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Appeal filed beyond Limitation Period
-Liability to get registered wherein Property has been rented through General Power Attorney Holder
-Ex-parte Order being upheld by Appellate Authority
– Release of Conveyance confiscated U/Sec 130



Case Subject




30 and

Appeal filed before
Appellate Authority
rejected on account of
limitation period; High
Courts remands back for
fresh consideration as
registration was suomotu cancelled

v. Superintendent
of Central Tax
[2023] 150 303

In the instant case, appellate authority rejected the appeal as it was filed beyond the period of extended limitation
The High Court observed that though the lower appellate authority may be right in holding that while it may allow filing of an appeal
beyond the limitation of three months for a further period of one month, but the delay beyond the extended period of one month cannot
be condoned, however, such a stand may adversely affect the petitioner. This is more so because registration was suo motu cancelled
on the ground of non-filing of returns and as GST Tribunal has not been constituted under Section 109 of the CGST Act, petitioner
would be left without any remedy. The High Court thus remanded the entire matter back to reconsider the case of the petitioner and
thereafter to pass appropriate order in accordance with law


Section 9,
24 and

General Power Attorney
Holder is liable to get
registered and pay tax on
rent as they are involved
in the act of leasing of
property and receives
and retains, income from
property, including rent.

Narayana [2023]
304 (AAR -

The applicant being a non-resident Indian, residing at California, USA, owned a commercial property in Bengaluru and rented the said
premises from which is in receipt of rental income. The owner i.e. applicant has given General Power of Attorney (“GPA” to his mother
Smt. Prabhavathi quoting that he is working outside India and thus unable to take care of said commercial property owned by him).
The AAR observed reading through the provisions of GPA, that the act of leasing of immoveable property was taken up by the GPA
holder and as per GPA, the incomes from the property, including the rent were received and retained by the GPA holder. Thus, the
GPA holder is the supplier of service of leasing of the building for commercial purposes and thus liable to be registered and required
to pay tax on supply of Renting of Immovable Property service of the commercial building.



Once the appellate
authority considers the
entire documents on
record in case of an exparte assessment, then
there is no need to
interfere in the order
passed by the appellate

Jalsa Resorts v.
State of U.P. [2023]
306 (Allahabad)

The petitioner's premises were inspected by the Special Investigation Branch on 06.12.2017. On the basis of the report submitted by
the Special Investigation Branch, the notice under Section 74 of UPGST Act, 2017 was issued to petitioner demanding Rs.48,96,000/-
amount of tax penalty and interest. Since petitioner neither replied to the SCN and nor did it produce relevant documents for assessing
the correct tax from July, 2017 to March, 2018, ex-parte order dated 11.11.2021 considering the turnover as one crore was assessed.
The Appellate Authority, from the entries, as found in the diary recovered by the Special Investigation Branch, noticed that the petitioner
had received much more advance i.e. Rs.17,95,000/- than it was shown in the returns i.e. Rs. 3,73,983.05/- however, Appellate
Authority based upon the records reduced amount from Rs 48,96,000 by Rs Rs 38,56,680/-.
The High Court on the appeal of the petitioner held that it does not find any substance in the submission of the learned counsel for
the petitioner that the assessment order is based on presumption. The appellate authority had examined each and every document
submitted by the petitioner as well as the documents recovered by the Special Investigation Branch



Conveyance to be
release on deposit of Rs
100000 and a bond eqaul
to fine levied in lieu of

Tanmit Singh
State of Gujarat
[2023] 150 332

In the instant case, goods which were confiscated were auctioned and amount was recovered through auction. The petitioner
contended that since the goods been auctioned by authority, in such circumstances of the case, conveyance may be released and
the petitioner is ready and willing to give sufficient amount of bond for the remaining amount of fine in lieu of conveyance. The
respondents counsel submitted that the goods which have been auctioned had not fetched the full amount of tax, fine and penalty and
also submitted that the major chunk of tax, fine and penalty was yet to be recovered.
The High Court held that once the bond is furnished towards fine of Rs.25,86,486/- in lieu of confiscation of conveyance and the
amount of Rs.1,00,000/- is deposited with the respondent authority, the respondent concern may release the conveyance immediately

Snapshot-24-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-SCN not containing reasoning
-Summons on same issue by CGST/SGST
-Recovery of demand on account of non-constitution of Tribunal.
-Tax Rate on Work contract services by appellant to BSNL which in turn being provided by BSNL to Navy



Case Subject




29 and

SCN being cryptic, one
liner and not containing
any fact or reasoning

Rathod Enterprise
v. State of Gujarat
[2023] 151 37

SCN dated 26.8.2022 was issued in Form GST REG-17/31 stating that "in case, registration has been obtained by means of fraud,
willful misstatement or suppression of facts." The petitioner challenged it on the ground that SCN is in one line cryptic notice,
principles of natural justice has not been followed by not giving of any opportunity of being heard and SCN does not contain any
reasoning and does not record any details any details and facts relating to the allegations.
Th High Court directed the authority to undertake fresh exercise and pass fresh order and impugned notice dated 28.6.2022 was
set aside.


Section 5
Section 6

Petitioner needs to
participate in the summon
proceedings to know that
whether State Authority
are prosecuting the
petitioner once again on
the same matter on which
Central Authority had
already initiated action
against the petitioner.

Rathod Enterprise
v. State of Gujarat
[2023] 151 37

In this writ petition impugned Summons were challenged on the ground that both Central and State Authorities do not have powers
to initiate proceedings against the petitioner simultaneously under the respective GST Acts regarding the same subject matter. The
petitioner stated that he was already facing proceedings initiated by the Central Authority and therefore, the question of the State
Authority initiating proceedings against the petitioner will not arise as per Section 6(2)(b) of the GST Act, 2017.
The High Court observed that truth will come out only when the petitioner appears before the State Authority pursuant to the
Summons received by him and not otherwise. If it is the same subject matter, the State Authority cannot prosecute the petitioner
once again as the Central Authority had already initiated action against the petitioner in respect of the very same subject matter.
The petitioner had sent a detailed reply on 27.10.2022 to the impugned Summons dated 18.10.2022 and even without allowing the
same to be considered by the State authority on merits, the petitioner approached the Court prematurely by filing this Writ Petition.
The High Court held that the petitioner would have to participate in the personal hearing and state all his objections with regard to
the action launched by the State Authority and then State Authority shall consider the petitioner's objections on merits and in
accordance with law and thereafter, decide as to whether the petitioner can be prosecuted once again under the TNGST Act, 2017
when the Central Authority has already prosecuted him under the CGST Act



Status of Recovery of
demand on account of
non-constitution of

SAJ Food
Products (P.) Ltd.
State of Bihar
[2023] 151 34

The High Court held that subject to verification of the fact of deposit of a sum equal to 20 percent of the remaining amount of tax in
dispute, or deposit of the same, if not already deposited, in addition to the amount deposited earlier under Sub-Section (6) of Section
107 of the B.G.S.T. Act, the petitioner must be extended the statutory benefit of stay under Sub-Section (9) of Section 112 of the
B.G.S.T. Act, for he cannot be deprived of the benefit, due to non- constitution of the Tribunal by the respondents themselves. The
recovery of balance amount, and any steps that may have been taken in this regard will thus be deemed to be stayed.
Case Referred- Angel Engicon Private Limited v. the State of Bihar & Anr. passed in C.W.J.C No. 1920 of 2023



Supply of Work contract
services by appellant to
BSNL which in turn are
being provided by BSNL
to Navy are eligible for
rate under Entry 3(vi) of 11/2017-CTR
Dated 28/06/2017.

Technologies Ltd
[2023] 151 33

Entry 3(vi) inserted in N. No.11/2017 vide notification No. 24/2017- CTR dt. 21.09.2017 primarily amongst other conditions state that
works contract services supplied to Government Entity are eligible for concessional rate provided it should have been procured by
the said entity in relation to a work entrusted to it by the Central Government, State Government, Union Territory or a local authority,
as the case may be.
In the instant case, AAR held that supply of Work contract services by appellant to BSNL which in turn are being provided by BSNL
to the Navy (Under the Ministry of Defence) are eligible for the concessional rate uptil 31st December 2021

Snapshot-22-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Revocation of Cancellation of Registration
-Vague notice and No Opportunity of being heard
-GST Burden in case of Pre and Post GST Contracts
-Recovery of demand on Non-constitution of Tribunal
-Rejection of Anticipatory Bail



Case Subject




29 and

Petitioner directed to
file application for
revocation of
Cancellation of
Registration as per
notification no.
3/2023-CTdt 31-3-23

Anandkumar Ramdeo
Singh v.
(Appeals-I) GST and
Central Tax [2023] 151 13

The High Court observed that the notification dated 31.03.2023 has been issued providing for revocation of cancellation of the
registration. Since the cancellation was under the provisions of Section 29(2) of the CGST Act and such cancellation was before
31.12.2022, and an application for revocation was not filed, the High Court stated that application be submitted that in terms of this


74 and

A vague notice is
violation of provision
in Section 75 since
the Statute itself
prescribes for
affording reasonable
opportunity and any
deficiency in that
regard vitiates the

[2023] 151 12
(Madhya Pradesh)
Balaji Electricals
v. Appellate Authority
& Joint Commissioner
State Tax.

The High Court observed that even though the petitioner had not specifically raised the said ground before the appellate authority
but the fact remained that mandatory provisions of Section 74 of GST Act make it incumbent upon the Revenue to ensure the show
cause notice to be speaking enough to enable the assessee to respond to the same. However, SCN revealed that it neither contained
the material and information nor the statement containing details of ITC transaction under question. It was further observed that
Section 75 of GST Act is a complete Code which prescribes for various stages for determination of wrongful utilization of ITC while
following the concept of reasonable opportunity of being heard to the assessee. Since the Statute itself prescribes for affording
reasonable opportunity, it is incumbent upon the Revenue to afford the same and any deficiency in that regard vitiates the result.
The High Court held that it had no manner of doubt that the very initiation of the proceedings by way of show cause notice was
vitiated for the same being vague.
Case Referred- Sidhi Vinayak Enterprises v. The State of Jharkhand & ors) including WP(T) No.745/2021 14thth, September


Section 9

to bear GST Burden
in case of Pre and
Post GST Contracts
wherein impact of
GST was not
considered while
preparing BOQ

[2023] 151 12
(Madhya Pradesh)
Balaji Electricals
v. Appellate Authority
& Joint Commissioner
State Tax.

The matter in the instant petition was to give by way of direction upon the respondent authority concerned to bear the additional tax
liability for execution of subsisting Government contracts either awarded in the pre-GST regime or in the post GST regime without
updating the Schedule of Rates (SOR) incorporating the applicable GST while preparing Bill of Quantities (BOQ) for inviting the bids
The High Court disposed of the writ petition by giving liberty to the petitioner to file appropriate representations in the aforesaid
regard before the Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department, Government of West Bengal within four weeks from date. On
receipt of such representations the Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department was directed to take a final decision within four
months from the date of receipt of such representation after consulting with all other relevant departments concerned.



Status of Recovery of
demand on account
of non-constitution of

Flipkart India (P.) Ltd.
v. Additional
Commissioner of
State Tax (Appeal)
[2023] 151 10

The High Court held that subject to verification of the fact of deposit of a sum equal to 20 percent of the remaining amount of tax in
dispute, or deposit of the same, if not already deposited, in addition to the amount deposited earlier under Sub-Section (6) of Section
107 of the B.G.S.T. Act, the petitioner must be extended the statutory benefit of stay under Sub-Section (9) of Section 112 of the
B.G.S.T. Act, for he cannot be deprived of the benefit, due to non- constitution of the Tribunal by the respondents themselves. The
recovery of balance amount, and any steps that may have been taken in this regard will thus be deemed to be stayed.
Case Referred- AJ Food Products Pvt. Ltd. v. The State of Bihar & Others in C.W.J.C. No. 15465 of 2022


69 and

Rejection of
Anticipatory Bail

[2023] 151 9 (SC)
Sheetal Mittal v. State
of Rajasthan

The Supreme Court held that looking to the role attributed to the petitioner(s) and the observations made by the High Court that the
GST number, name of the firm were fabricated and other details were found to be non-existent, there was no case for anticipatory
bail. The Special Leave Petitions were thus dismissed

Snapshot-21-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Decision of Appellate Authority on issues neither part of SCN and nor part of Order
-Diesel Reimbursement to form part of Vehicle Hire Charges
-Grant of Bail
-Rectification of Audit Report



Case Subject





Decision of
Appellate Authority
on issues neither
part of Show Cause
Notice and nor part
of Order

Ajay Building
Material v. State
of U.P.
[2023] 151 6

The High Court held that the order dated 01.12.2020 fell short of the requirement of Article 14 of the Constitution of India and the appellate
order dated 30.12.2021 clearly exceeds the power conferred upon the appellate authority as it decides the appeal on the issues which were
neither a part of the show-cause notice nor was a consideration when the order dated 01.12.2020 was passed.
Cases Referred- M/s Chandra Sain, v. U.O.I & Ors. (Writ Tax No.147 of 2022) decided on 22.09.2022 as well as M/S Precitech
Engineeers v. State of U.P. & Ors. (Writ Tax No.1583 of 2022) decided on 14.03.2023



Reimbursement to
form part of Vehicle
Hire Charges

Public Financial
Project [2023]
151 5

The Authority held that without fuel the motor vehicle does not operate (run) and without running i.e. moving from one place to another, the
act of motor vehicle hire services does not happen. The motor vehicle hire services have the integral component of running/ operating the
vehicle to one place to another for transportation. Therefore, to claim to provide the said services, actual transportation has to take place
and without fuel this cannot happen. The contract entered between the applicant and the provider of services is for motor vehicle hire
services, wherein the liability to arrange fuel and the maintenance of the vehicle, so deployed lies with the service provider and is a
comprehensive contract with the consideration which varies depending upon the kilometer travelled. Therefore, reimbursement of expenses
for providing said services, under any head is nothing but the additional consideration for the provision of said services and attracts GST on
the total value.
Cases Referred- M/s. Goodwill Auto’s, Hubbali; Dharwad (Karnataka AAR), M/s Vinayak Air Products Pvt. Ltd (Uttarakhand AAR),
M/s Gurjinder Singh Sandhu (Uttarakhan AAR), M/s Tara Genset Engineers (Uttarakhand AAR)


69 and

Bail granted as
petitioner had faced
incarceration for
more than 1½ years,
complaint still at
summon stage,
other accused
extended benefit of

Kawaljot Singh
[2023] 151 4
(Punjab &

The High Court observed that the quantum of amount which the petitioner was involved was yet to be decided at the time of trial. The
petitioner had already faced incarceration for more than 1½ years. The complaint is still at the summoning stage. The other two accused
had already been extended the benefit of default bail and one more co-accused was granted regular bail by the Court who is stated to be
at parity with the present petitioner.
Thus, the High Court considering the aforesaid facts and circumstances and also considering the total custody of the petitioner which was
more than 1½ years, this Court deems it fit and proper to grant regular bail to the petitioner



Rectification of
Audit Report

Singh Caterers
and Vendors v.
Union of India
[2023] 151 3

The petitioner was aggrieved with the audit report issued under section 65(6) and the non-consideration of the rectification application, the
petitioner made under Section 161 of the Act.
The High Court observed that re-examination of the Audit Report by application under section 161 is not a permissible exercise. The
Assessing Officer had rightly found that there was no error apparent on the face of the record, which could be rectified under section 161
and that in any event, section 73 proceedings had been initiated based on the final audit report. The Assessing Officer has also noted that
submission if any made by the tax payer would be taken on record. The Proper Officer has looked at the audit report and has recorded his
satisfaction in the show-cause notice on items raised in the audit report and which enables assessee to raise objections against the same.
Therefore, the High Court was of the opinion that there was no reason why writ petition should be entertained when the rectification
application, on which basis the proceedings under section 73 is sought to be kept in abeyance. If the Assessing Officer has not completed
the proceedings, the petitioner would be entitled to file his objections and seek for consideration of the same before the Assessing Officer

Snapshot-19-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Cancellation of Registration-Restoration of Proceedings to be considered afresh considering High Courts observation

-Allotment of Car Parking Space not a composite Supply

-Condition as per N. No. 27/12-CE(NT) dt. 18.06.12 for debit of CENVAT Account for claim of refund is incorrect and eligible refund of pre-GST Regime applied in Post GST Regime cannot be denied on this condition.



Case Subject



Cases Referred



Cancellation of
RegistrationRestoration of
Proceedings to
be considered
High Courts

Krishnappa v.
of Central Tax
(Appeals - 1)
[2023] 150

The registration of the taxpayer was cancelled for failure to file returns. The petitioner at the time of filing of first appeal stated that he filed
response but could not appear for personal hearing because he was suffering from lungs disease and was advised bed rest which had a
cascading effect on his business including the failure to file monthly returns. The petitioner's appeal was rejected on the ground of limitation.
The High Court held that if the petitioner can demonstrate bonafides, there would be no need to take a pedantic approach. The reasons
assigned by the petitioner could be bonafide and the petitioner must have another opportunity of hearing to establish the same. The third
respondent was therefore directed to extend an opportunity and consider the circumstances that are relied upon by the petitioner.




Allotment of Car
Parking Space
not a composite

Eden Real
Estates (P.)
Ltd [2023] 150

The Authority observed that a sanctioned plan may have open parking spaces but the appellant has no right to transfer ownership or lease
out or allow right to use of the said spaces to allottees. The owners' association on joint agreement of its members may lease out the open
parking space on rent at a future date. A customer of a flat may avail car parking facility even after the issuance of completion certificate
of the project. A customer may choose to opt or not opt for car parking at the time of purchase/booking of an apartment.
Therefore, Authority held that it is evident that sale/right to use car parking service and construction services are separate services which
are not dependent on sale and purchase of each other. The amount charged by the appellant for right to use of car/two wheeler vehicle
parking space, though not permissible as per RERA, constitutes a separate supply under GST Act and appellant is liable to pay tax @
18% on such supply




Condition as
per N. No. 27/12-
CE(NT) dt.
18.06.12 for
debit of
Account for
claim of refund
is incorrect and
eligible refund
of pre-GST
Regime applied
in Post GST
Regime cannot
be denied on
this condition.

Prodapt India
of GST
Division, III
Range [2023]
516 (Madras)

The petitioner had credit of CENVAT of a sum of Rs.10 lakh (approx) for the months of April, May, June, 2017. The law entitled assessee
to seek refund of CENVAT credit within a period of one year from year from the date of export. It all started with an application dated
25.10.2017 where the petitioner sought refund of CENVAT credit under Rule 5. With the onset of GST, the petitioner was required to make
a debit to the CENVAT credit account at the time of effecting the claim but the same was disabled and thus the assessee could not apply
for the refund. The petitioner thereafter filed an application for refund under Section 54 of the Act on 17.01.2019. The claim was rejected
as against which a first appeal was filed which also came to be rejected on 30.07.2020. The reasoning set out in the order of the appellate
authority was based on the provisions of Section 54 and the second proviso to Section 142(4) of the Act as well as a circular issued by
the Board on 15.03.2018. The petitioner while not challenging the order of the Appellate Commissioner, made a further representation on
28.08.2020. The impugned order had been passed on 03.11.2010 on the sole ground that, as the order of the first appellate authority
dated 30.07.2020 has attained finality, the question of refund does not arise.
The High Court held that the eligibility of the petitioner to refund on a substantive basis has itself, never been questioned. The denial was
based solely on a technical basis. That apart, the fact that Notification No.27/12 (which propounded credit to be debited from Cenvat
Account) had been held to propound an incorrect condition by the High Court as well as by the CESTAT ought to have merited
consideration with the authority. Instead he does not advert to this aspect of the matter at all. Further, the claim was fully supported by the
provisions of Section 142(3) of the Act. Thus, impugned order was held to wholly incorrect in law and wad held liable to be set aside


Snapshot-18-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Validity of Decision of AAR pending proceedings
-Late Fee for delay in filing of Return when application for revocation of cancellation of registration incorrectly rejected
-Taxability of Architectural Service provided to Local Authority



Case Subject



Cases Referred



Decision of AAR is
void-abinitio when
the fact regarding
pendency of
proceedings was
not brought before
the AAR

Srico Projects (P.) Ltd.
[2023] 150 295

Section 98(2) of the CGST/TGST Act, 2017 states that Authority for Advance Ruling shall not admit
the application where the question raised in the application is already pending or decided in any
proceedings in the case of an applicant under any of the provisions of this Act. Therefore the
application was liable to be rejected under Section 98(2) of the CGST/TGST Act, 2017. Taxpayer has
not brought the issue to the notice of the Authority for Advance Ruling at any stage of the Advance
Ruling proceedings including at the time of the personal hearing dated 28.06.2022. Therefore the
applicant has obtained the Advance Ruling by suppressing the facts and hence the Order issued in
the reference 5th cited is liable to be declared as void ab initio



29 and

Penalty/Late Fee
for delay in filing of
Return cannot be
levied upon
Taxpayer when the
application for
revocation of
cancellation of
registration was
rejected without
any valid Show
cause notice and

Ishwar Chand Proprietor of
Bhagwati Trading Co. v.
Union of India [2023] 150 294 (Delhi)

The High Court observed that the order dated 14.12.2020, rejecting the petitioner's application for
revocation of cancellation of GSTIN registration was unsustainable. It provided no reason as to why
the petitioner's application was rejected. The only reason was that the petitioner had not responded
to the Show Cause Notice dated 27.10.2020. It was hard to accept that there could be any meaningful
response to the said Show Cause Notice. It provided no reason at all for proposing to reject the
petitioner's application for revocation of cancellation.
The petitioner's principal contention was that it had already complied with the requirement of filing the
returns on the date when the order cancelling its registration was passed and, therefore, the said order
was unsustainable.
The High Court was thus of the view that from the date of the petitioner filing an application for
revocation of its cancellation, that is, 16.10.2020, the petitioner cannot be held responsible for not
filing its returns during the period when the registration stood cancelled. Thus, for the purpose of
calculating any penalty for the late filing of the returns, the period, 16.10.2020 to 22.04.2022, is liable
to be excluded




Services provided
to Local Authority
for purposes
referred in 2th
Schedule of Article
243W of
Constitution of

Ishwar Chand Proprietor of
Bhagwati Trading Co. v.
Union of India [2023] 150 294 (Delhi)

-'Architectural Consultancy Service' provided by the applicant to Surat Municipal Corporation [SMC]
for construction of SMIMER Hospital & College Campus is covered under entry no. 3 of notification
No. l212017-Central (Rate) dated 28.6.2017 & thus is exempt from GST.
-If the applicant provides sub contract of pure services to another contractor of the SMC the supply
would not fall within the ambit of entry no. 3 of the notification No. l212017-Central (Rate)
dated28.6.2017 and would be leviable to GST

Dilip Kumar & Company
[20 ] 8 (361 ) E.L.T. 577

Snapshot-16-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Amnesty Scheme for Cancellation applies to cases wherein appeal has been rejected by Appellate Authority
-Cancellation of Registration by considering reply which was never submitted
-Amendment in GSTR-1 allowed for the year 17-18



Case Subject



Cases Referred



Notification No.
3/2023-Central Tax
dated 31.03.2023
also applies to
cases wherein
appeal has been
rejected by the

Vijay Kumar Jain v. Central
Goods & Service Tax and
Central Excise [2023] 150 251

Notification No. 3/2023-Central Tax dated 31.03.2023 is beneficial in nature. The Explanation
to the notification indicates that the notification shall cover not only those persons who failed
to apply for revocation of cancellation of registration within the time specified in Section 30 of
the Act, but also those whose appeal against the order of cancellation of registration under
Section 107 of the Act stood rejected or they failed to adhere to the time limit specified under
sub-section (1) of Section 30 of the said Act to approach the Appellate Authority against the
order rejecting application for revocation of cancellation of registration under section 107 of
the Act.
The High Court observed that petitioner falls in the category of cases where the appeal
preferred against the cancellation of GST registration has been rejected under Section 107(1)
and (4) of CGST Act as time barred, thus the writ petition was disposed of with a direction to
the petitioner to approach the proper officer with an application for revocation of cancellation
of registration by 30th June 2023.




Cancellation of
Registration by
considering the
reply which was
never submitted

Vijayakumar zhimasandra
Mahadevappa v.
Commissioner of Goods
and Services Tax [2023]
150 250

The petitioner contended that the proper officer for cancellation of the GST registration, has
recorded his opinion that the petitioner's registration must be cancelled, and his opinion is
ostensibly on examination of the petitioner's reply and the submissions at the time of hearing.
Irrefutably, the petitioner has neither filed response nor participated in any personal hearing.
This demonstrates that there is complete lack of application of mind and hence arbitrary
exercise of jurisdiction.
The High Court in view of the above observations, held that there is complete lack of
application of mind in cancelling the petitioner's registration and the petitioner has made out
grounds that would justify interference.




Benefit of
Notification No.
3/2023-Central Tax

Natarajan Satheesh Kumar
v. Superintendent, Pollachi
Range II(Center) [2023] 150 249 (Madras

Order of cancellation was dated 14.09.2022 and the scheme as provided in Notification No.
3/2023-Central Tax dated 31.03.2023 was applicable subject to satisfaction of all conditions
set out thereunder, thus petitioner was allowed to prefer to approach authority




Amendment in
GSTR-1 allowed for
the year 2017-18
considering error
being an
inadvertent human
error and absence
of an effective,
mechanism under
statute for

Abdul Mannan Khan v.
Goods and Services Tax
Council [2023] 150 203 (Calcutta

The petitioner had filed the writ petition challenging the decision of the GSTN Authorities
rejecting the request for amendment of the GSTR-1 Form for the financial year 2017-2018
on the ground that such amendment can be done only on the due date of filing of Form
GSTR-1 of March 2019 (30th April, 2019). The Single Bench had dismissed the writ petition
stating that the period of limitation for rectification has since been expired, no direction can
be issued.
The High Court allowed the errors to be rectified relying upon the decisions by the Jharkhand
High Court, the Orissa High Court and the Madras High Court wherein such errors were
allowed to be rectified primarily on the basis of the error committed by the petitioner being an
inadvertent human error and the petitioner be allowed in a position to rectify the same,
particularly in the absence of an effective, enabling mechanism under statute

M/s. Mahalaxmi Infra Contract
Ltd. v. GSTC 2022-VIL-735-JHR
M/s. Y. B. Construction Pvt.
Ltd., Bhubaneswar v. UOI &
Ors. in W.P. (C) No.12232 of
M/s. Sun Dye Chem v. The
Assistant Commissioner (ST) &
Ors. in W.P. No.29676 of 2019