Part-153-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 54, 75, 107, 129 of CGST Act, 2017

-Application for refund cannot be rejected as being deficient once it is accompanied with all the documents required under Rule 89(2) although proper officer can call for additional documents by issue of Notice in RFD-08

-Petitioner being a transporter can file an appeal against an order passed against him U/Sec 129(1)(a) even though payment for release of goods was made by owner but same was deducted from account of Petitioner

-Merely because petitioner did not appear on the hearing date, it cannot be presumed that he was not interested for hearing and even though he did not appear but the impugned order needs to consider reply to SCN as submitted

-Five heads including date by which reply is to be furnished and date, time and venue of hearing mentioned in this prescribed statutory form itself indicate that there are two stages, i.e. filing of reply and grant of personal hearing

Part-152-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 65, 73, 122, 126, 129 and 130 of CGST Act, 2017

-Order quashed as except referring to the objections made by the petitioner, various contentions urged by the petitioner were never considered or appreciated prior to passing the impugned orders

-Corrigendum which was only issued to correct quantification and not the grounds in duly approved ADT-02 by Monitoring committee, does not require further specific approval of Monitoring Committee.

-Every detention may not invariably be proceeded under section 129 and in cases wherein non-compliance neither attracts payment of tax and nor there is intent to evade tax, Section 122 would be applicable in such cases

Part-151-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 29, 47, 73 and 140 of CGST Act, 2017

-Time given for revenue to file reply however Court was of the view that any assessee who filed returns in GSTR-9/9C in respect of financial years from 2017-18 to 2021-22 before 31st August, 2023 should be eligible for concessional rate of late fee as prescribed in the said notification.

-A non-reasoned order asking the petitioner to furnish returns beyond the period when he has closed the business was unsustainable in the eyes of the law.

-Matter remanded back as none of the contentions as urged by the petitioner were recorded as also there was no discussion whatsoever on the issues as raised by the petitioner

– Petitioner company not entitled to avail ITC of GST trade on goods and services used for construction as per Section 17(5) (c) and (d) and ground of natural justice during adjudication proceedings not allowed to be raised in hearing since not part of grounds of appeal before appellate authority or petition before the Court

Part-150-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 29, 129 of CGST Act, 2017

-It is not open for the department to again cancel petitioner’s GST registration for the same reason on which registration was earlier cancelled but revoked unless it is premised on the ground that had occurred after the date from which petitioner’s GST registration was cancelled earlier

-Petitioner’s GST registration was proposed to be cancelled on the ground that it had not furnished any return for a period of six months, therefore it could not be a ground for cancelling GST registration ab initio

-Once SCN and order cancelling registration did not provide for any reason whatsoever for action being taken against the petitioner then it was an incurable defect which could not be improvised in reply of respondents before the Court.

-On goods being verified during movement, it was found that goods being transported were different from mentioned in invoice & E-way bill and value was also different, thus matter remanded back considering submission of petitioner that authority passing impugned order was neither assessing authority and nor adjudication authority

Part-149-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 11, 29, 168 of CGST Act, 2017 and Rule 142(1A) of CGST Rules, 2017

-Since SCN covered both pre-amended and post amended period for Rule 142(1A), therefore second authority after transfer of file should not have directly issued SCN in DRC01 and should have again issued intimation in DRC-01A since the first authority after issuing DRC-01A had not taken any action.

-Notice issued for issue regarding Taxability of Lease of Land in GST

-Section 29-Althugh SCN contained alleged reason for cancellation of registration but the order did not contain any reason, therefore the matter was set aside for officer to decide the matter again.

-No provision of the CGST Act, in terms of which the TRU could be said to have been clothed with the authority or jurisdiction to render a clarification with respect to classification of goods and articles

-Exemption provided by the Central Government by exercising its powers either U/Sec 11(1) of CGST Act, 2017 or U/Sec 6(1) of IGST Act, 2017 are substantive right provided to stakeholders and such exemptions cannot be taken away or done away by issuing clarificatory Circulars by the Board, in exercise of its powers under Section 168

Part-148-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 29, 67, 74, 75 of CGST Act, 2017

-Penalty U/Sec 74 held to be justified since petitioner failed to discharge its onus to prove and establish beyond doubt the actual transaction, actual physical movement of goods as well as the genuineness of the transactions

-Revocation was cancelled registration not allowed as the order was a reasoned order and order passed based upon physical enquiry and discrepancies observed not properly explained by the petitioner

-Assessee is not required to request for “opportunity of personal hearing” and assessing authority bound to give the hearing even if petitioner may have signified ‘No’ in the column meant to mark assessee’s choice

-Officers had no power to seize cash under section 67 of the CGST Act

-On the direction of the court, Silver was released to the petitioner at the respondent’s office which was situated at fourth/fifth floor but was again seized at Ground Floor of building to over-reach the orders passed by the Court.

Part-147-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 74, 107, 129 of CGST Act, 2017 and Section 5 of IGST Act, 2017

-Appellate Authority has a duty to look into the merits of the matter and also examine grounds raised by appellant, even if there is no presence recorded of appellant before the Appellate Authority and decide issue on merits

-Alhtough E-way Bill was expired, but since goods were accompanied with E-tax invoice & E-way bill and neither of them were cancelled, thus movement and genuineness cannot be disputed without proving intent to evade.

-Failure to consider reply filed deprives petitioner with the opportunity to have two occasions of matter to be adjudicated and avail two well considered opinion by two Authorities, viz., Assessing Officer and Appellate Authority.

-At the time of import of goods, Competent Authority under Customs Act is empowered to make assessment regarding claim of exemption from IGST under section 28 of the Customs Act.

Part-146-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 54, 74 of CGST Act, 2017 and Rule 86A of CGST Rules, 2017

-Amended to the definition of relevant date from “end of financial year” to “due date for furnishing return” would be applicable to refund filed post 01/02/2019 to claim for refund in respect of returns filed consequent to that date and not to returns filed prior to the date of amendment

-Impugned letter allegedly issued for blocking of the Credit ledger, since called upon the petitioner to submit his explanation was held neither an order of attachment of ITC and nor notice U/Sec 74 as there was no mention of proceedings drawn U/Sec 74.

-Rejection of refund on account of fault of Customs department was improper as working of Customs was not under domain of petitioner and he shall not be penalised for irregularity from the side of customs department

– Petitioner cannot be compelled to deposit without following procedure under Section 73, 74 and 79

Part-145-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 16, 54, 74, 129 of CGST Act, 2017

-No adverse inference to be drawn, if in e-way bill weight mentioned was more than actual found, and if, after issuance of notice and before seizure order passed, correct e-way bill was produced cancelling earlier e-way bill. Opportunity to rebut to be given, if revenue intends to rely upon fresh evidence against the assessee.

-Input Tax Credit cannot be denied in cases wherein migration could not be completed due to technical glitches and subsequently, registration was granted from retrospective date.

-Once a question has reached finality, it could not be re-considered when no appeal was preferred against the earlier assessment and revenue cannot be permitted to adopt an inconsistent stand in a subsequent assessment where the facts and position of law is identical.

-No interference required wherein order passed ex-parte as no reply was filed even though sufficient opportunity was granted and even extension was sought by the petitioner

Part-144-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 16, 29, 75, 107 of CGST Act, 2017

-Since reminder notice only contained the date by which reply is to be submitted and NA was mentioned at the date of hearing thus provisions of Section 75(4) have not been followed.

-Refund cannot be withheld only because as on today, department has not taken the decision whether to review the order-in-appeal or to file an appeal against the said order

-Cancellation order passed without providing any reason is not sustainable in the eyes of the law.

-Benefit of Circular for mismatch shall be accorded even though the benefit was not availed ta adjudication stage and matter might have travelled to appellate stage.