Snapshot-43-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Since the petitioner had already availed alternate remedy, therefore the High Court declined to interfere
-Revenue cannot ignore the Order-in-Appeal and deny the benefits of the same on the ground that it seeks to appeal the said order
-Principle of Natural Justice should have been followed and petitioner should have been informed that application could be rejected without admission
-Opportunity of being heard be granted to the assessee



Case Subject




73 and

Since the petitioner had
already availed
alternate remedy,
therefore the High Court
declined to interfere

Pappachan Chakkiath
v. Assistant
Commissioner [2023]
151 275

It was observed by the High Court that pursuant to the permission granted by the learned single Judge, the appellant had already
filed a statutory appeal. As the appellant had sought for availing the alternate remedy and had, in fact, availed it, the High Court
was not inclined to admit the writ appeal and hear the contentions of the appellant on merits. The High Court further stated that
the Learned Single Judge has considered the contentions and had entered findings only for the purpose of declining jurisdiction
under Article 226 of the Constitution of India for entertaining the writ petition and nothing more.


107 and

Revenue cannot ignore
the Order-in-Appeal and
deny the benefits of the
same on the ground that
it seeks to appeal the
said order

Netgear Technologies
India (P.) Ltd. v.
Commissioner GST
[2023] 151 273

The petitioner's application for refund was rejected by the officer by an Order-in-Original. The Appellate Authority allowed the
appeal by an Order-in-Appeal. Notwithstanding the same, the petitioner's request for the claim was not processed. The petitioner
filed another application once again claiming refund of the said amount. Thereafter, by a communication dated 10.08.2021, the
petitioner was informed that the Commissioner, CGST, Delhi East Commissionerate had directed the respondent to file an appeal
against the Order-in-Appeal dated 09.03.2021. The said appeal has not been preferred as yet.
The High Court noted that the respondent had taken no steps to secure any order about the stay of the Order-in-Appeal pursuant
to which the petitioner was now entitled to the claim of refund. The High Court allowed the petition and rejected the contention of
the revenue that the Revenue can ignore the Order-in-Appeal and deny the benefits of the same on the ground that it seeks to
appeal the said order.
Cases Referred-Zones Corporate Solutions Pvt. Ltd. v. Commissioner of Central Goods & Services Tax Delhi East & Anr.:
2020-VIL-302-DEL:W.P.(C) 3620/2020 and Alex Tour and Travel Private Limited v. Assistant Commissioner, CGST



Principle of Natural
Justice should have
been followed and
petitioner should have
been informed that
application could be
rejected without

Authority for Advance
Ruling [2023] 151 272

The advance ruling authority had rejected the petitioner's application as contemplated under Section 98(2) of the CGST/KGST Act
recording that the petitioner, who had the benefit of contract for construction of pumping stations and reservoirs as also for
Operation and Maintenance work between 01.11.2014 and 31.10.2021, had filed application for advance ruling on 07.09.2022
after the expiry of the corresponding contractual period.
The High Court was of the considered view that opportunity of hearing as contemplated under Section 98(2) cannot be an empty
formality, and the petitioner should have been informed that the application could be rejected without admission on the ground the
corresponding contractual period has expired. Therefore, the High Court directed that the opportunity of hearing contemplated was
rendered a mere formality by the Authority. The petitioner must therefore have appropriate liberty to file additional plea to show
cause against such reasoning and the respondent must reconsider the application



Opportunity of being
heard be granted to the

Subodh Kumar
Mondal v. State of
West Bengal [2023]
151 271

Impugned orders were passed under Section 74(9) of the WBGST Act, 2017. The appellant approached the Writ Court on the
ground that opportunity of personal hearing having not been granted. During the pendency of the writ petitions the entire amount,
which was demanded had been fully recovered except penalty and interest. It was contended by the revenue that notice was
issued fixing the hearing date, but appellant failed to appear on the said date and also did not appear on the adjourned date. The
petitioner contended that in the SCN dt 28th Sep, 2022 in the column regarding details of personal hearing, it was mentioned as
"not applicable".
The High Court that since by way of third party garnishee order, since entire tax demanded from the appellant have been recovered,
therefore, revenue would not be prejudiced if a fresh opportunity of personal hearing is granted to the appellant to put forth his
submissions. Further, in the light of the fact that the entire tax demanded in the three orders has been recovered, the respondent
authorities are directed to de-freeze the bank account of the appellant

Snapshot-37-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Duty Free Shops cannot be saddled with Indirect Tax Burden
-Order Passed without assigning Reason
-Taxpayer not to be mulcted with Tax Liability in excess of due and payable for error in GSTR-3B
-Provisional Attachment ceases to be effective after expiry of 1 year from Order Date



Case Subject




Section 5
Act, 2017

Duty Free Shops,
whether in arrival/
terminal, being
outside the
customs frontiers
of India cannot be
saddled with any
indirect tax burden

Plus Max Duty Free
(Madurai) (P.) Ltd. v.
Principal Chief
Commissioner of
GST & Central
Excise [2023] 151 194

In the instant matter it was contended that no GST is payable on the amounts paid by the petitioner as license fees under License
Agreement dated 05.04.2017 for the duty-free shops.
The High Court relied upon the judgement of Hon’ble Apex Court in Commissioner of CGST and Central Excise v. Flemingo Travel Retail
Ltd. [Civil Appeal Diary No.24336/2022, dated 10.04.2022] has held that Duty Free Shops, whether in the arrival or departure terminals,
being outside the customs frontiers of India, cannot be saddled with any indirect tax burden and any such levy would be unconstitutional.
Therefore, if any tax is levied, the same cannot be retained and the Duty Free Shops would be entitled for refund of the same without
raising any technical objection including that of limitation and thus allowed the writ petitions.
Cases Referred- Commissioner of CGST and Central Excise v. Flemingo Travel Retail Ltd. [Civil Appeal Diary No.24336/2022,
dated 10.04.2022],



Order cannot be
sustained as no
reason assigned
while passing
order and no
opportunity of
hearing given

Jogesh Kumar
Dehury v. Additional
CT & GST Officer
[2023] 151 193

In the instant case, Petitioner contended that he was never served with any notice prior to passing of the impugned order and the authority
did not assign any reason and the order does not contain details of demand raised and thereby he was deprived of availing opportunity
of hearing. The counsel for Revenue Department stated that on perusal of order impugned it was evident that no reason had been
assigned by the authority and, as such, while passing such order no opportunity of hearing was also given. Therefore, the same cannot
be sustained in the eye of law.
In view of the above, the High Court set aside the assessment order and directed the Petitioner to appear before the Assessing Officer
and furnish objection, if any


73 and
74 AND

If there is an
inadvertent or
error that has crept
in GSTR-3B, the
taxpayer cannot
be mulcted with
the tax liability in
excess of what is
due and payable

Instakart Services
(P.) Ltd. v. Sales Tax
Officer [2023] 151 192

In the instant case, an error had crept in GSTR-3B filed for the month of September, 2017 wherein petitioner had erroneously typed its
liability for tax as Rs. 32,33,36,855/- instead of Rs. 3,23,36,855/-. It discharged its liability by using the available balance of Input Tax
Credit (ITC) of Rs. 29,10,00,000/- discharging the said liability, which the petitioner claims as an apparent error. The petitioner immediately
reversed the ITC that was used for discharging the overstated liability and reported the same in its returns filed for the month of October,
2017. Thereafter, on 22.12.2017, the petitioner filed its returns (GSTR-1) for the month of September, 2017 and correctly stated the tax
liability at Rs. 3,23,36,855/-instead of Rs. 32,33,36,855/- as reported earlier. Petitioner contended that the benefit of Circular No.26 dated
29.12.2017 issued for providing a mechanism for correction of mistakes in (FORM GSTR-3B) returns has not been extended on the
ground that it was issued subsequently. In response to a letter communicated to the taxpayer, a personal hearing was scheduled on
20.04.2023 and the petitioner explained the reasons for reversing the excess amount of ITC. The revenue, thereafter issued a show
cause notice for the mismatch in the FORM GSTR-2A and FORM GSTR-3B for a sum of Rs. 55,39,99,352/-, which comprised of the tax
demand of Rs. 30,00,26,728/- and interest on the said amount quantified at Rs. 25,39,72,624/-.
The High Court observed that if there is an inadvertent or typographical error that has crept in any returns, taxpayer cannot be mulcted
with tax liability in excess of what is due and payable and the explanation provided by petitioner were not considered. The High Court
thus directed the concerned authority to pass an appropriate order pursuant to the SCN considering the petitioner's responses



ceases to be
operative after
expiry of one year
from order date

Balaji Enterprises
v. Principal
Additional Director
General [2023] 151 191

The department itself fairly admitted that a period of one year had expired since the date of the impugned order and in terms of Subsection (2) of Section 83 of the CGST Act, the provisional attachment order has ceased to be operative. Therefore, in view of this, the
High Court held that the petitioner cannot be restricted to operate the bank accounts, on account of the impugned order

Snapshot-36-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Reasonable opportunity of being heard be given and decision to extend time be exercised with sound reasons
-Cononation beyond Limitation Period not allowed
-No Levy of Penalty due to Expiry of way Bill
-Grant of Anticipatory Bail



Case Subject




73 and

opportunity of
being heard be
given and
decision to
extend time be
exercised with
sound reasons

Industries Ltd.
v. Deputy
(CT) [2023]
110 (Madras)

The High Court observed that reasonable opportunity ought to be given to a person to show cause and depending upon the facts of each case,
even further extension of time can be granted by the Assessing / Adjudicating Officer. In any event, the decision to refuse or extend time ought to
be exercised with sound reasons and not in an arbitrary or capricious manner.
In view of the above, the court found that impugned orders did not discuss the reasons for extension of time at all, leave alone giving its finding
either granting or refusing the adjournment. In such circumstances, it was clear that there was a clear violation of the Circular No. 12/2022 Dt 26th
September 2022 (TNGST) and therefore it was held that petitioner be afforded a fair opportunity to submit its explanation in respect of three
pending queries within a reasonable time and thereupon, the respondent may pass fresh orders considering the entire explanation submitted by
the petitioner, including the earlier explanations submitted by it., The impugned orders were set aside.



limitation period
not allowed

[2023] 151
109 (Patna)
Badri Prasad
Yadav v. State
of Bihar

The remedy of writ is an absolutely discretionary remedy. The High Court, hence, can always refuse the exercise of discretion if there is an
adequate and effective remedy elsewhere. The High Court can exercise the power only if it comes to the conclusion that there has been a breach
of principles of natural justice or due procedure required for the decision has not been adopted. The High Court would also interfere if it comes to
a conclusion that there is infringement of fundamental rights or where there is failure of principles of natural justice or where the orders and
proceeding are wholly without jurisdiction or when the vires of an Act is challenged.
It was further observed that when there is a specific period for delay condonation provided, there cannot be any extension of the said period by
the Appellate Authority or by this Court under Article 226 of the Constitution. The petitioner by his own failure had not availed the appellate remedy
and in that circumstance, there can be no invocation of the extraordinary jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. The High Court
did not find that there was a jurisdictional error, violation of principles of natural justice or abuse of process of Court averred or argued by the
petitioner in the above writ petition. The petitioner sought to challenge the demand on the ground that the ITC claimed by the petitioner was proper;
which was merely determination of the tax payable on the basis of the various claims validly arising from the statute and computation; which cannot
be agitated in a petition under Article 226 of the Constitution of India. The gross delay stands against the petitioner and delay was not condoned.
Cases Referred- State of H.P & Ors. v. Gujarat Ambuja Cement Limited & Anr.; [2005] 6 SCC 499



No Levy of
Penalty due to
Expiry of way
Bill provided
intent to evade

Ramji Jaiswal
v. State Tax
Bureau of
[2023] 151
165 (Calcutta)

n the instant petition, the petitioner challenged the order of adjudicating authority imposing the penalty for transporting the vehicle in question
after expiry of the e-way bill which expired on 2nd August, 21 at 11.59 p.m. and vehicle in question was intercepted at 6.45 p.m. on 3rd August,
2021. There was a time gap between the expiry and interception of the vehicle in question of about 18 hrs., which was less than a day and
petitioners submitted there was no intention of evasion on part of petitioners and there was a genuine problem of break down of vehicle in question.
The High Court decided the matter in favour of the petitioner in view of the facts which appeared from record and considering the orders of the
Calcutta High Court by setting aside the impugned order and as a consequence, petitioners were held to be entitled for refund of the penalty.
Cases Referred- Ashok Kumar Sureka v. Assistant Commissioner, State Tax, Durgapur Range


69 and

Grant of
Anticipatory Bail

Kishan Murari
V State of U.P
[2023] 151

In the instant case, it was submitted by the petitioner that since seller firm as per allegation in the FIR had been found bogus, therefore, their firm
being the purchaser firm, proceedings under section 74 of U.P. G.S.T. Act were going on and they have participated in those proceedings and
against the order of the assessing authority, appeal had been filed by depositing 10% of the disputed tax amount. It was submitted that the dispute
was purely civil in nature. The petitioner had no criminal antecedent.
The High Court observed that considering the above aspects of the matter, perusal of the record, the fact that proceedings under section 74 of the
U.P. G.S.T. Act were going on, as also the judgment in Sushila Aggarwal and others versus State (NCT of Delhi) and another (2020)5 SCC 1 and
without entering into the merit of the case, it would be appropriate to grant protection to the applicants under Section 438 Cr.P.C

Snapshot-35-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Service of Notice on Email ID not a valid service
-Order passed without giving sufficient time & without considering reply
-Exercise of Power U/Sec 74 not dependent on Sec 61
-Cash Credit A/c is not a debt and thus not attachable



Case Subject




73 and
Rule 142

Service of
Notice on Email
ID not a valid
service of Notice

Shri Shyam baba
Edible Oils v. Chief
[2023] 151 139
(Madhya Pradesh)

In the instant case, the service of show cause notice/order was challenged as the same was communicated through Email.
The High Court observed that a bare perusal of Rule 142 of CGST Rules, 2017 reveals that the only mode prescribed for communicating
the show-cause notice/order was by way of uploading the same on website of the revenue. The State in its reply had provided no material
to show that show-cause notice/order No.12 dated 10.06.2020 was uploaded on website of revenue. In fact, learned AAG conceded that
the show-cause notice/order was communicated to petitioner by Email and was not uploaded on website of the revenue. Therefore, the
High Court held that statutory procedure prescribed for communicating show-cause notice/order under Rule 142(1) of CGST Act was not
followed by the revenue, and thus the impugned order was struck down. The revenue was allowed the liberty to follow the procedure
prescribed under Rule 142 of CGST Act by communicating the show-cause notice to the petitioner by appropriate mode thereafter to
proceed in accordance with law.


29 and

Order passed
without giving
sufficient time to
the petitioner
and without
reply of the
petitioner set

Pakiza Steel LLP v.
Union of India [2023]
113 (Bombay

In the instant case, Petitioner had received a show cause notice on 5th September 2022 to show cause by 6 September 2022 that why the
registration should not be cancelled and by the said order, registration of the Petitioner was suspended with effect from that date. The
petitioner contended that although he did not have time to adequately prepare yet he submitted the reply and without considering the reply,
the final order came to be passed. It was further contended that although the impugned order referred to the reply, but it did consider the
same and the Authority proceeded to pass an order on entirely different ground on which the Petitioner did not get opportunity
The High Court observing that the impugned order had been passed in above circumstances directed that the petitioner be given an
opportunity before the final order of cancellation of registration is made However, they did not restore registration and registration continued
to remain suspended as per show cause notice.


61 and

Exercise of
Power under
Section 74 not
dependent on
issue of notice
under Section
61 and can be

Naarjuna Agro
Chemicals (P.) Ltd. v.
State of U.P. [2023]
112 (Allahabad)

The High Court did not accept the argument that unless deficiency in return is pointed out to the assesee, and an opportunity is given to
rectify such deficiency, that the department can proceed under Section 74 is not borne out from the statutory scheme and the argument in
that regard therefore, must fail. It was observed that the scrutiny proceedings of return as well as proceeding under Section 74 are two
separate and distinct exigencies and issuance of notice under Section 61(3), therefore, cannot be construed as a condition precedent for
initiation of action under Section 74 of the Act. The High Court further observed that the judgement in the matter of M/s. Vadivel Pyrotech
Private Ltd. v. The Assistant Commissioner, (2022 U.P.T.C. 1769) was limited to the facts of that case and do not lay down any proposition
of law which restricts the exercise of jurisdiction under Section 74 upon issuance of notice under Section 61(3) of the Act.
Therefore, the High Court held that merely because no notices were issued under Section 61 of the Act would not mean that issues of
classification or short payment of tax cannot be dealt with under Section 74 as exercise of such power is not dependent upon issuance of
notice under Section 61



facility is not a
debt and
therefore, not

Naarjuna Agro
Chemicals (P.) Ltd. v.
State of U.P. [2023]
112 (Allahabad)

The High Court held that cash-credit facility is not a debt and therefore, it cannot be made attachable and the Court was bound by the
above-stated precedent but cash-credit facility is not a debt and therefore, it cannot be made attachable. This Court is bound by the abovestated precedent; however Rule 159 clearly gives adequate power to the petitioner to file objection for releasing the bank account or, in the
instant case cash-credit facility, therefore when there was an efficacious relief in the statute itself, therefore, the High Court was of the view
that the petitioner should adopt such efficacious relief and Court was not inclined to afford any relief under Article 226 of the Constitution.
Cases Referred- Jugal Kishore Das v. Union of India reported in 2013 SCC Online Cal 19941, Radha Krishan Industries v. State of
Himachal Pradesh reported in 2021 (48) GSTL 113 (SC), Valerius Industries v. Union of India reported in 2019 (30) GSTL 15 (Guj),
Mardia Chemicals Limited v. Union of India [2004] 4 SCC 311, Overseas Bank v. Ashok Shaw Mill reported in [2009] 8 SCC 366.

Snapshot-14-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

Ex-Parte order without following Natural Justice
-Taxability of supply of Pre-Fabricated Building
-Issuance of Fresh Provisional Attachment after completion of one Year
-Cancellation of Registration from Retrospective date



Case Subject



Cases Referred



order without
Principle of
Natural Justice

CICO Patel JV v.
Union of India
[2023] 150 226

Notwithstanding the statutory remedy, the high court is not precluded from interfering where, ex facie, an opinion is formed that
the order is bad in law on account of following reasons -
(a) violation of principles of natural justice, i.e. Fair opportunity of hearing. No sufficient time was afforded to the petitioner to
represent his case;
(b) order passed ex parte in nature, does not assign any sufficient reasons even decipherable from the record, as to how the
officer could determine the amount due and payable by the assessee. The order, ex parte in nature, passed in violation of the
principles of natural justice, entails civil consequences;
(c) The authorities not to have adjudicated the matter on the attending facts and circumstances.



Para 5 of
III and

Whether supply
of Pre-Fabricated
Building is
supply of goods
or supply of

Enterprises P. Ltd.
v. Joint
Central Goods and
Services Tax &
Central Excise
(Appeal I) [2023]
225 (Calcutta)

The petitioner contended that since they have purchased a pre-fabricated building, which consisted of factory-made components
or units that are transported and assembled on-site to form complete building, therefore the same shall not be liable to tax by
virtue of Paragraph 5 of Schedule III i.e. Sale of land and, subject to clause (b) of paragraph 5 of Schedule II, sale of building.
Considering the following reasons recorded by the Appellate Authority in holding against the petitioners, the High Court declined
to interfere with the impugned order of the Appellate Authority-
“I find that the appellant has purchased a Prefabricated Building classifiable under GST HSN Code 9406 from M/s. Eveready
Industries Ltd. Now a prefabricated building, informally a prefab, is a building that is manufactured and constructed using
prefabrication. It consists of factory-made components or units that are transported and assembled on-site to form the complete
building. Thus, it is evident from the invoice issued by M/s. Eveready Industries Ltd that they have supplied goods classifiable
under GST HSN Code 9406 to the appellant which is not specified in Section 7(2)(a) of CGST Act, 2017 and probably used
logistic services such as warehousing, flexi-storage by the appellant. Thus, it is evident that M/s. Eveready Industries Ltd have
not provided any Construction services of commercial buildings classifiable under GST service code number 99414. Thus, the
contention of the appellant cannot be sustainable”




Issuance of
Attachment after
completion of
one Year

Madhav Copper
v. State of Gujarat
[2023] 150 224

The petitioner contended that there was no power with the authorities to extend the provisional attachment beyond one year
with a fresh order.
The High Court observed that the proceedings for adjudication have already commenced with issuance of SCN under Section
74, therefore it would be rather a proper course to be adopted to direct the authorities to complete the adjudication proceedings
time-bound. Once the proceedings are over, the rights of the parties shall stand crystallized leaving the order of provisional
attachment to its own fate




Cancellation of
Registration from
date wherein
SCN did not
provided any
such fact

Aditya Polymers v.
Commissioner of
Delhi Goods and
Services Tax
[2023] 150 223

The High Court observed that the SCN issued to the petitioner did not mention that the proper officer proposed to cancel the
registration with retrospective effect. Thus, the petitioner had no opportunity to address any proposed action of cancellation of
registration ab initio.
The High Court disposed of the petition with the direction that the cancellation of the petitioner's GST registration would take
effect from 11.12.2020 and not from 01.07.2017, since the petitioner submitted that the they would have no objection if the
registration is so cancelled from the date of SCN


Snapshot-12-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Determination of tax under Section 130
-Levy of Penalty only on the allegations that excess goods were found
-Service of Notice on Accountant
-Valuation of Goods by Eye Estimation or production capacity or consumption of electricity



Case Subject



Cases Referred


Siemens India vs. State of
Maharashtra 2007 (207) ELT 168

Grant of Pre-arrest

Kapil Dev Singhal
v. State of Assam
[2023] 150 156

The High Court observed that sufficient incriminating materials has already been collected by
the I.O. against the petitioner and the investigation is still in progress. However, it was also
observed that the accused/petitioner appeared before the I.O. on 3-4 occasions and cooperated in the investigation of this case and he also produced the documents which was
asked to produce before the I.O. The entire case is mainly based on documentary evidence.
Thus, considering all these aspects of the case, the high court found it a fit case to extend the
privilege of pre-arrest bail to the petitioner


Section 73,
Section 74,
Section 130

Determination of tax
under Section 130
-Levy of Penalty only
on the allegations the
excess goods were
found at the premises
-Service of Notice on
-Valuation of Goods
by Eye Estimation or
production capacity or
consumption of

Maa Mahamaya Alloys
(P.) Ltd. v. State of U.P
[2023] 150 158

In the course of proceedings under Section 67, quantification was done by eye estimation and
goods were held to be in excess of recorded goods. It was contended by petitioner that while
proceeding to pass an order under Section 130 of the GST Act, no power is vested in the
authority to undertake determination of liability of tax, which can only be done by taking
recourse to Section 73 or Section 74 of the Act, as the case may be.
-Relying upon the decision in the matter of M/s Metenere Limited vs Union of India and
another; Writ Tax No.360 of 2020 wherein it was held that demand for tax can be quantified
and raised only in the manner prescribed in Section 73 or Section 74 of the Act, as the case
may be, the High Court observed that entire exercise resorted to under Section 130 of GST
Act for assessment/ determination of the tax and penalty is neither stipulated under the Act,
nor can be done in the manner in which it has been done, more so, in view of the fact that
department itself has undertaken the exercise of quantifying the tax due, by taking recourse
under Section 74.
-Scope of proceedings under Section 130(1)(ii) for not accounting for any goods on which
taxpayer is liable to pay tax is only available when an assessee who is liable to pay tax but
does not account for such goods, after the time of supply has occasioned.
-Scope of Proceedings under Section 130(1)(iv) for contravention of any of the provisions of
the Act or the rules made thereunder with intent to evade payment of tax is only available when
the department establishes that there were a contravention of the Act and Rules coupled with
the ‘intent to make payment of tax’.
-Service of Notice on the Accountant of the firm is neither contemplated nor provided for under
Section 169(1)(a) and thus, service cannot be held to be a valid service and entire proceedings
are liable to be quashed.
-There is no prescriptions for valuation of goods on the basis of eye estimation under Section
15 of CGST Act, 2017 as has been done by department or the manner in which has been
carried out by appellate authority, thus the impugned order was held to be not sustainable.

M/s Metenere Limited vs
Union of India and another;
Writ Tax No.360 of 2020

Snapshot-11-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases..

-Only summary issued in DRC-01 with no proper SCN
-No Opportunity of being heard given
-Relied upon documents not given
– Interference of High Court at SCN Stage
-SCN being an order by itself and pre-meditates the issue



Case Subject



Cases Referred


Section 73,
Section 74
and Section

-Only summary issued
in DRC-01 with no
proper SCN issued
-No Opportunity of
being heard given
-Relied upon
documents not given

Industries v.
State of
Jharkhand [2023]
140 (Jharkhand)

-High Court observed that a summary of a show cause notice cannot be a substitute of a
proper show cause notice and would entail violation of principles of natural justice. In the
absence of clear charges upon which the person so alleged is required to answer, proper
opportunity to defend itself stands denied. No opportunity of hearing was granted to the
petitioners contrary to the mandate of Section 75(4) and (5). Relied upon documents, which
were basis for passing summary order were not supplied to petitioner.
In the aforesaid circumstances, the impugned summary of show cause and impugned
summary of order contained were quashed.

-Nkas Services Private Limited
Vrs. State of Jharkhand -2021
SCC Online Jhar 1266.
- M/s Godavari Commodities
Ltd. Vrs. State of Jharkhand.
[W.P.(T) No. 3908 of 2020
-Natwar Singh Vrs. Director of
Enforcement. 2010(13) SCC 255.


Section 18

Extension of time for
filing of ITC-01 on
changeover from
composition scheme
to normal

Alpha Polymers
v. Commissioner,
[2023] 150 139

Petitioner has made a representation for extension of time for filing of ITC-01 before the first
respondent and the first respondent instead of passing orders on the said representation,
kept the matter pending for nearly a year and thereafter, the second respondent passed the
order impugned in this writ petition stating that the petitioner's request was rejected by the
first respondent and the said order has been issued with the approval of the first respondent.
The High Court set aside the order and remitted to the first respondent, who shall pass
appropriate orders, after hearing the petitioner.



Section 73
and Section

Interference of High
Court at Show Cause
Notice Stage
When Show cause
notice is an order by
itself and it premeditates the issu

Joyous Blocks &
Panels (P.) Ltd.
v. Assistant
Taxes [2023] 150 138

-If a show cause notice suffers from the vice of lack of jurisdiction, Courts are entitled to
interfere with the same.
-In the present matter, once inspection of the business premises was completed, a query
was raised by the officer The appellants had submitted an elaborate reply for such a query
and the authority while issuing the show cause notice has dealt with the reply under the
heading “Rebuttal on the factual points”.
The High Court observed that prima facie SCN appears to be an order and the manner of
issuing show cause notice has not been rightly understood by the authority. Partly the
appellants have to be blamed because the appellants for the query raised by the authority
had misconstrued the scope of the query and proceeded to make elaborate factual
submissions. If appellants had restricted their reply only to the extent query raised, this
problem could have been averted. Thus, not only the authority committed a mistake in
proceeding to reject all the contentions and then issued the show cause notice, equally the
appellants also committed a mistake in mentioning facts which were not required to be done
pursuant the query raised by the authority.
For the above reasons the appeal was allowed and the order passed was set aside with a
direction to isssue a fresh show cause notice with an open mind without pre-deciding any

Siemens India vs. State of
Maharashtra 2007 (207) ELT 168