Part-143-One Pager Snapshot to Cases on Section 29, 75, 140 of CGST Act, 2017 and HSN 9992 for educational services

-HSN 9992- Inspection and affiliation fees charged by university from educational institutions is liable to GST

-Section 140- Assessee was entitled for transfer of TDS from Pre-GST to Post-GST by way of transitional Credit

-Section 75-Opportunity of being heard not mandatory to be given wherein no reply was given and nor any request was made nor any explanation was furnished to the contents of notice

-Section 29-Proper Officer shall specify reasons wherein it has been alleged that registration was obtained by means of fraud, wilful misstatement and suppression of facts and registration is to be cancelled retrospectively

Part-105-One Pager Snapshot to the Latest Cases on Section 16, Section 29, Section 30, Rule 142 and Section 62

-Registration cancelled after 31-12-2022 but within the period of amnesty scheme eligible for amnesty scheme of revocation of cancelled registration
-Cancellation cannot be retrospective when the same was applied by assessee from the date of closure of business.
-ITC of the assessee under the GST regime cannot be denied merely on the difference of GSTR 2A and 3B
-As the Order visible to the petitioner on GSTN portal is not complete copy of the order, thus it must be accepted in law that the impugned order does not contain reasons.
-Notice U/Sec 46 to be issued before passing order U/Sec 62.



Case Subject




29 and

Registration cancelled
after 31-12-2022 but
within the period of
amnesty scheme
eligible for amnesty
scheme of revocation
of cancelled

Rajeev Kumar v.
Commissioner of
Central Goods and
Services Tax,
Ranchi [2023] 155 54
(Jharkhand) (12-09-

The Court stated that Government of India had issued Notification No. 03/2023~Central Tax dated 31-3-2023 and extended the time up
to 30-6-2023, but the extension is granted to taxpayers granting time whose registration was cancelled on or before 31-12-2022. The
petitioner's cancellation was on 11-5-2023, hence the benefits of the said notification could not be availed by the petitioner. If the cancellation
was set aside and the GST is revoked the petitioner is willing to pay the GST along with late fee.
The Court gave anxious consideration and observed that had the cancellation of registration been prior to 31-12-2022, then petitioner
would have come within the time prescribed under the said notification. But the consideration for extension was pending during that period,
hence the Court was of the considered view that the petitioner was entitled to the benefit. Therefore, the Court allowed the writ petition and
the directed to restore the petitioner's GST registration number.
Case Referred- Tvl. Suguna Cut piece v. Appellate Deputy Commissioner (ST) (GST) (Mad)


29 and

Cancellation cannot
be retrospective when
the same was applied
by assessee from the
date of closure of

Krishna Traders v.
Commissioner of
Central Goods and
Service Tax [2023]
155 52
(Delhi) (20-09-2023)

Petitioner had closed business with effect from 31-3-2022 and had, applied for cancellation of GST registration. Petitioner after closure of
business, shifted from New Delhi to Dehradun. SCN was issued calling upon the petitioner to furnish additional information in connection
with his application. Petitioner claimed that he did not receive the said notice as he had shifted to Dehradun. Since said SCN was not
responded, Proper Officer rejected application for cancellation. Thereafter, Proper Officer issued a fresh SCN proposing to cancel
petitioner's registration on account of failure to file tax returns for a continuous period of six months and cancelled registration with
retrospective effect. The impugned order included a tabular statement indicating that no tax was found due and payable by the petitioner.
The Court observed that cancellation of the GST registration was not an issue but the issue was related to cancellation of the GST
registration with retrospective effect. The Court directed that cancellation of petitioner's GST registration shall take effect from 31-3-2022



ITC of the assessee
under the GST regime
cannot be denied
merely on the
difference of GSTR
2A and 3B

Henna Medicals v.
State Tax Officer
[2023] 155 29
(Kerala) (19-09-2023

Impugned order was passed against the petitioner on the ground that there was a difference between GSTR 2A and GSTR 3B.
The Court took into consideration earlier judgement passed in the matter of Diya Agencies v. The State Tax Officer and reference made
in the said judgement to the judgement of Supreme Court in the case of The State of Karnataka v. M/s Ecom Gill Coffee Trading Private
Limited 2023 (3) TMI 533 SC as well as Calcutta High Court judgment in Suncraft Energy Private Limited v. The Assistant Commissioner,
State Tax, Ballygunge Charge [Judgment dated 2-8-2023 in MAT No. 1218/2023]. The Court relied upon the principle that ITC of the
assessee under the GST regime cannot be denied merely on the difference of GSTR 2A and 3B and thus petition was allowed and matter
was remitted back to Assessing Authority to examine evidence of petitioner irrespective of Form GSTR 2A and after examination of evidence
placed by the petitioner, order to be passed in accordance with the law.
Case Referred- Diya Agencies v. The State Tax Officer [Judgment dated 12-9-2023 in WPC 29769/2023]


Rule 142

As the Order visible to
the petitioner on
GSTN portal is not
complete copy of the
order, thus it must be
accepted in law that
the impugned order
does not contain

[2022] 142 470
Dauji Ispat (P.) Ltd.
v. State of U.P (10-

Contention of the petitioner that the copy of the order uploaded on the GSTN portal and as is visible to the petitioner does not
mention/disclose the reasons therefor. The revenue admitted that due to some error copy of the impugned order visible to the petitioner on
the GSTN portal is not the complete copy of the order.
The Cour observed that it must be accepted in law that the impugned order does not contain reasons. This conclusion was drawn as
unless the complete copy of the order containing the reasons was served on the petitioner, he may never have any right to challenge the
same before any forum including the appellate forum. The fact that the Assessing Officer may have available to it another copy of the same
order which may contain reasons therefor, may be of no help to the Revenue Authority as such copy of the order was not served on the
petitioner. Therefore, it cannot be relied upon to any extent. The Court thus held that order served on petitioner was wholly defective and
lacking in vital aspect namely reasons for the conclusions drawn therein. Accordingly order DRC-07 dated 20-7-2021 was set aside and
the matter remitted to the Assessing Officer for fresh consideration



Notice U/Sec 46 to be
issued before passing
order U/Sec 62.

[2022] 140 405
Constructions Ltd.
v. State of
Jharkhand (22-02-

Petitioner amongst other contentions contended that no notice to file return under Section 46 was served before passing order U/Sec 62.
The Court observed that requirement of notice before proceeding to pass order under section 62 has been laid down by Legislature so
that defaulter may have an opportunity to file return in case return has not been filed. It was also observed that there is a salutary purpose
for service of notice under section 46 before the proper officer proceeds to pass assessment order under section 62. The court also referred
to CBIC Circular dated 24-12-2019 which provides for service of notice under section 46 before the proper officer proceeds to assess the
tax liability of a return defaulter under section 62 of the Act. Moreover, sub-section (2) of section 62 further provides that if within thirty days
valid return has been filed, assessment order shall be deemed to have been withdrawn, the reason being that in case the return has not
been filed even after proper service of notice under section 46 of the Act, the penal consequences flows out of such an order passed under
section 62. The Court thus, set aside the order passed U/Sec 62 as no notice was served U/Sec 46 for filing of returns

Part-46-One Pager Snapshot to the Latest Cases

-Summary SCN in DRC-01 and Summary Order in DRC-07 are invalid in absence of detailed SCN and order respectively
-Revocation of Cancelled Registration and Entitlement to Lodge claim for ITC for the intervening period
-Invoking Provisions of Section 129 and then switching to Section 130 without providing release of goods under Section 129.
-Delay in disbursement of refund
-Opportunity of being heard not provided



Case Subject





Summary SCN in
DRC-01 and
Summary Order in
DRC-07 are invalid
in absence of
detailed SCN and
order respectively

Shree Ram
Agrotech v. State
of Jharkhand
[2023] 152 82

The petitioner contended Respondents had not issued detailed SCN and only summary was issued in DRC-01 and order issued was also
in DRC-07 without detailed order being issued.
The High Court observed that no SCN in terms of Section 73 (1) of the JGST Act, 2017 was served upon the Petitioner and reliance of the
Respondents on the alleged Summary show cause in Form GST DRC-01, dated 20.12.2018, was also of not much avail. Also, it was
observed that when no detailed adjudication order, as required under Section 73 (9) of JGST Act, 2017, had been passed or issued, the
Petitioner was not liable to pay impugned demand only on the basis of the said Form DRC-07. It was also observed that appellate authority
should have decided the case on merit and should have given its finding on the grounds of Appeal that DRC-07 has been issued without
issuing any no show cause notice in terms of Section 73 (1) of the JGST Act, 2017 and also without any adjudication order


29 and
30 and

Revocation of
Registration and
Entitlement to Lodge
claim for ITC for the
intervening period

R.k. Jewelers v.
Union of India
[2023] 152 81

The High Court was of the opinion that petitioner firm is covered within the notification dated 31.03.2023 and can move an application
before the competent authority with a prayer for restoration of its GST registration subject to fulfilment of the conditions mentioned in the
said notification, therefore writ petition was disposed of with liberty to the petitioner-firm to file application for restoration of its GST
registration before the competent authority. It was also made clear that when the competent authority would consider the issue of revocation
of cancellation of petitioner firm GST registration under the notification dated 31.03.2023, the petitioner-firm, shall be entitled to lodge its
claim for availment of Input Tax Credit in respect of the period from the cancellation of the registration till the registration is restored


129 and

Invoking Provisions
of Section 129 and
then switching to
Section 130 without
providing release of
goods under Section

Sharda Batteries
and Metals v.
Commissioner of
State Tax [2023]
80 (Gujarat)

Petitioner contended that exercise of powers under Section 129 and thereafter switching over to Section 130 and passing order thereunder
without availing the petitioner the benefits of release of the goods under Section 129, could be said to be without jurisdiction. It was also
submitted that Special Civil Application No.8353 of 2022 and other matters have been entertained by this court involving the same point
and interim relief of release of the goods and conveyance has also been granted on condition.
The High Court directed by way of interim relief that goods of the petitioner as well as vehicle bearing registration No. TS-12-UC 2787, be
released subject to conditions being fulfilled and petition be listed with Special Civil Application No.8353 of 2022



Delay in
disbursement of

KA Prevulcanised
Latex (P.) Ltd. v.
Government of
Tamil Nadu [2023]
79 (Madras)

The petitioner had applied for refund and had not received refund of 90% of the CGST and IGST. The first respondent had provisionally
sanctioned the refund vide its provisional refund and Final orders too had been passed.
The High Court observed that the respondent had sanctioned refund both by virtue of the provisional refund orders and the final orders
sanctioning the refund and they had not only failed to respond to the request of the petitioner, but even before the Court, they were not able
to give any reason as to why refund was not made despite orders of the first respondent. These amounts are rightfully due to the petitioner.
Therefore, writ petition was allowed and second respondent was directed to refund the amount due to petitioner.



Opportunity of being
heard not provided

TK Elevator India
(P.) Ltd. v.
(GST) [2023] 152 78

Notice dated 05.11.2020, pointing out certain discrepancies, was issued under Section 61 of the CGST Act. The petitioner responded to
the said notice on 05.12.2020, setting out the explanation for the alleged discrepancies. The petitioner also prayed that in case the
proceedings initiated pursuant to the notice dated 05.11.2020 were not dropped, the petitioner might be afforded an opportunity of personal
hearing before the final decision was taken. The petitioner's request for personal hearing was rejected and the impugned order was passed
under Section 74 of the CGST Act.
The High Court observed that a plain reading of the order indicated that there was neither any discussion nor any reference to the notice
dated 05.11.2020 or the petitioner's reply to the said notice. The said order is an unreasoned order. The said order was also vitiated as
having been passed without following the principles of natural justice as no opportunity for hearing was afforded to the petitioner. In view
of the above, the petition was allowed and impugned order dated 21.06.2021 was set aside