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Snapshot-31-Snapshot of Latest GST Cases

-Nature, Classification & Value of Supply wherein activity of manufacturing of goods carried out with primary raw material supplied by the Recipient
-Supply of Aircraft Type Rating Training Services
-Availability of Alternative Remedy



Case Subject





Manufacture and supply
Precast Manholes and Rises
ON e Cement, & Steel (TMT
& Bars) supplied by the
recipient is supply of goods.
The activity does not fall
within the scope of Job Work.
The price to be charged from
the recipient i.e. M/s Larsen
& Toubro Ltd by the applicant
for supply of precast manhole
shall not the be transaction
value in terms of Section
The material which are to be
made available free of cost
by the recipient and are not
within the scope of applicant
for supply of precast manhole
shall form part of the
transaction value for the
purpose of levy of ta

Natani Precast [2023]
151 55

Applicant had received request for quotation for supply of precast Manholes by M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd. Two basic
ingredients i.e Cement, & Steel (TMT & Bars), used for manufacturing of precast manholes were to be supplied by M/s
Larsen & Toubro Ltd.
Authority held that applicant had intention to manufacture and supply Precast Manholes and Rises and manufacturing
process submitted by the applicant itself reflected that the applicant was engaged in manufacturing of goods. Thus, the
instant transaction of supply of Precast Manholes and Rises was of supply of goods and not a supply of services.
Authority further held that since the applicant was involved in the manufacturing of Manholes and Rises and it could not be
termed as any treatment or process on the goods belonging to the recipient i.e. service of job work, even if inputs were
being supplied free of cost and these inputs wholly were being used in manufacturing of resultant goods and termed as
supply of goods not services. The authority further distinguished Circular No. 47/21/2018-GST, dated 8-6-2018 as it
pertained to an act of modification and treatment on a good wherein in the instant case of applicant, new goods were
manufactured from raw materials and not the work done on the goods belongs to recipient.
Authority further observed that since applicant is to manufacture and supply Precast Manholes and Rises as per specific
order from recipient but cement and iron was to be supplied by recipient on free of cost whereas if recipient were not to
supply main ingredients then it would have been borne by applicant. Thus, Free of cost supply of main ingredients from
recipient was nothing but mutual understanding between both parties which do not debar them from the essence of supply
of goods and consideration received under GST. Thus, it was held that by such type of adjustments applicant will receive
the consideration in barter. I.e. one consideration in the shape of price as per agreement and second in the shape of free
issue of essential inputs like cement and steels. Hence price to be charged from recipient i.e. M/s Larsen & Toubro Ltd by
the applicant for supply of precast manhole shall not be transaction value in terms of Section 15(1) & 15(2) of the CGST /
RGST Act 2017 & material which are to be made available free of cost by the recipient and are not within the scope of
applicant for supply of precast manhole shall form part of the transaction value for the purpose of levy of tax



Supply of the aircraft type
rating training services to
commercial pilots is not
exempt from levy of GST

CAE Flight Training
(India) (P.) Ltd [2023]
151 54

The supply of the aircraft type rating training services to commercial pilots, in accordance with the training curriculum
approved by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation for obtaining the extension of aircraft type ratings on their existing
licenses, do not result into a qualification as the applicant imparts training and issues only course completion certificate and
thus the impugned services are not covered under SI. No. 66 (a) of the Notification No. 12/2017-Central Tax (Rate) dated
28.6.2017 and thus are exigible to GST under the CGST/ KGST Act 2017


29 and

Since alternative remedy was
available therefore the High
Court relegated the matter to
concerned authority

Syed Wasim Rohman
v. State of Assam
[2023] 151 53

The petitioner approached the High Court for revocation of cancellation of registration. The High Court observed that
Section 30 of Assam GST Act, 2017 provides alternative and efficacious remedy to the petitioner to apply for revocation of
the cancellation of the registration and thus the Court was of the considered opinion that the petitioner be relegated to the
concerned designated authority for availing remedy as prescribed under the provision of section 30(1) of the Assam GST
Act, 2017