-Cancellation of Registration without following principle of Natural Justice
-Writ Petition not maintainable as matter pending before the Proper Officer
-Posting of Order with incorrect and incomplete address is not a valid delivery
S.No | Section | Case Subject | Case | Held | Cases Referred |
1 | Section | Cancellation | Precitech | Writ Petition was allowed considering the fact that the order impugned cancelling the registration was prima facie | Mr. Chandra Sain v. U.O.I. ; |
2 | Section | Release on | Suresh Jajra | It was submitted by the petitioner that he is neither owner of Ayodhya Food Products or nor partner of the firm | - |
3 | Section | Writ Petition | North End Foods | The petitioner was directed that all issues raised were still open to be agitated before the Assessing Officer and | - |
4 | Section | Writ Petition | Global | The High Court observed that firstly certified copy of impugned order was provided to the appellant on 19th | - |