Part-123-One Pager Snapshot to Latest Cases on Section 16, 50, 73, 129, 140 of CGST Act, 2017

-Can Interest and penalty be levied on Transitional Credit claimed in GSTR-3B as Tran-1 could not be filed due to technical glitches
-ITC cannot be denied on difference between GSTR-3B and GSTR-2A
-No penalty in absence of mens rea, if time limit between expiry of Eway Bill & interception is 9 Hours
-One Liner Order without considering the submissions of Taxpayer is not a speaking Order


Case Subject




If Transitional
credit could not
be transitioned
due to Technical
Glitches and
was claimed in
GSTR-3B, then
no Interest and
penalty would
be payable on
reversal of such
credit claimed in
GSTR-3B and
through TRAN-1

PMA Controls
India Ltd. v. Joint
Commissioner of
Central Tax
(Appeals-II) [2023]
502 (Madras) (20-

Petitioner was a Central Excise Assessee, who had a sum of Rs. 12,47,610/- as un-utilized ITC as on 30-6-2017. The credit was sought to be transitioned by
the petitioner and an attempt was made by the petitioner on 27-12-2017. However, petitioner was unable to transition the credit on account of technical glitches.
Meanwhile, the petitioner had wrongly availed ITC in GSTR-3B on 19-10-2018 for the aforesaid amount of Rs. 12,47,610/- in its Electronic Credit Ledger and
had utilized the same for discharging tax liability. Meanwhile, the petitioner was issued with a SCN dated 19-7-2021 to show cause as to why the aforesaid
amount of Rs. 12,47,610/-, which was wrongly claimed as Input Tax Credit in Form GSTR-3B on 19-10-2018 should not be denied. Thereafter, petitioner made
a further attempt on 17-8-2021 to transition the aforesaid Credit, which was allowed by the system. After the credit to an extent of Rs. 12.43 lakhs was
transitioned of Rs. 12,47,610/- on 17-8-2021, petitioner immediately debited the aforesaid amount of Rs. 12,47,610/- which was claimed and utilized earlier.
Petitioner challenged the levy interest as it was stated that no prejudice was caused to the revenue by availing of the ITC on 19-10-2018 as the aforesaid
amount could not be transitioned due to technical glitches as petitioner tried to file Form Tran-1 on 27-12-2017 but was unsuccessful due to technical glitches.
The Court observed that the issue was revenue neutral. Petitioner was entitled to transition the ITC lying unutilized in his CENVAT account as on 30-6-2017 of
GST under the new regime. However, on account of technical glitches, credit could not be transitioned. It was however later allowed to be transitioned after
the petitioner's Tran-1 application in Form Tran-1 was accepted by the respondents on 17-8-2021. The petitioner reversed proportionate amount of ITC, which
was wrongly availed and utilized. Thus, as the issue was revenue neutral, the imposition of penalty/interest either under section 73(9) or Section 50(3) of the
CGST Act, 2017, cannot be countenanced. Also, if petitioner had been allowed to successfully transition the credit, then and there, the amount would have
available for being utilization. By availing the amount as regular credit and utilizing the same, the petitioner has not caused any loss to the revenue.
Case Referred- W.P.No.22241 of 2019 vide order dated 20-6-2022 (Mad HC)


ITC cannot be
denied merely
on account of
mismatch in ITC
claimed in
GSTR-3B and
not reflecting in

Bhaskaran v.
Union of India
[2023] 155 466
(Kerala) (20-09-

Petitioner claimed ITC to the extent of Rs. 1,04,342/- and the same was denied on the ground that ITC to such an extent claimed was not affected in Form
GSTR-2A and the supply dealer has not mentioned the supplies involved in the petitioner-dealer in form GSTR -1.
The Court observed that Section 155 of the GST Act, 2017, takes care of such a situation wherein the fact that the assessee/dealer has taken inward supply,
and the dealer has prepaid the admissible GST to the supplier-dealer and the supplier-dealer has not deposited the said tax amount to the Government. In
such a situation the burden is on the person who claims the ITC to prove his claim. The paid person in such a situation is required to furnish documentary
evidence to prove that such tax has been paid by him. The assessing authority denied the claim of the petitioner on the ground that the ITC claimed by the
petitioner was not reflected in GSTR-2A and he did not submit any proof of the payment of the GST to the Government. The court stated that the assessing
officer was required to give an opportunity to the assessee in respect of his claim for ITC, if there was difference between GSTR- 2A and GSTR-3B. If on
examination of the evidence, the assessing officer was satisfied that the claim was bonafide and genuine, the assessee should be given the ITC. Merely on
the ground that in Form GSTR-2A the tax to an extent of ITC being claimed by the petitioner was not reflected should not be sufficient to deny the claim. The
assessing authority was required to independently examine the evidence irrespective of the fact that tax was not reflected in Form GSTR-2A for which the
assessee claimed ITC.
Case Referred-Diya Agencies v. The State Tax Officer in its judgment dated 12-9-2023, Union of India (UOI) v. Bharti Airtel Ltd and Others [2022(4) SCC
328], Suncraft Energy Private Limited and Another v. The Assistant Commissioner, State Tax, Ballygunge Charge and others [MAT 1218 of 2023] (Cal), The
State of Karnataka v. M/s. Ecom Gill Coffee Trading Private Limited [2023 (3) TMI 533 SC


No penalty in
absence of
mens rea when
time gap
between expiry
of Eway Bill &
interception is 9

shaan Plastics
(P.) Ltd. v. Deputy
Commissioner of
State Tax [2023]
463 (Calcutta) (20-

The adjudicating authority imposed penalty for transporting the vehicle in question after expiry of e-way bill which was expired on 27.12.2022 at 11.59 p.m.
and the vehicle in question was intercepted at 8.37 a.m. on 28.12.2022 that there was a time gap between the expiry of the bill and interception of the vehicle
in question is about 9 hrs., which was less than a day and writ petitioner submitted that there was no intention of any evasion of tax on the part of the petitioner.
The Court observed that the respondents could not make out any case against the petitioner that there was any deliberate or willful intention of the petitioner
to avoid and evade the tax. In view of the facts and circumstances of the case which appeared from record and considering the two earlier orders of the Court,
impugned order was set aside and a consequence, petitioner was held to be entitled to get refund of penalty deposited in question.
Case Referred- Ashok Kumar Sureka v. Assistant Commissioner, State Tax, Durgapur Range WPA No. 11085 of 2021, Order dated 12th May, 2022 in MAT
No. 470 of 2022.


One Liner Order
considering the
submissions of
Taxpayer is not
a speaking

C.Siva Anand v.
Superintendent of
GST and Central
Excise [2023] 155 439
(Madras) (29-09-

The petitioner stated that he had paid entire tax through ITC and if this fact was considered there would not be any tax liability. But authority had imposed
tax, penalty, and interest. Moreover, petitioner had already paid the entire tax even prior to the initiation of assessment proceedings. In the impugned order,
respondent did not discuss any ground raised by the petitioner and it was one-line order. The relevant portion of the impugned order was as follows:
“But they failed to pay the interest till date. Their reply dated 26.04.2023 is also not tenable. Hence, I hold that they are liable to pay an interest amount of Rs.
The Court quashed the impugned order as it was a non-speaking order and the matter was remitted back to consider the petitioner's case in light of M/s.
Refex Industries Limited, Vs. The Assistant Commissioner of CGST & Central Excise, reported in 2020(2) TMI 794 – Madras

Part-122-One Pager Snapshot to Latest Cases

Actual Physical Movement and Genuineness of Transactions to be proved for entitlement to claim ITC

-Mere common location of petitioner and parent company itself was not sufficient to hold that the petitioner has committed fraud in obtaining registration and involved in bill trading, without the scrutiny of the relevant records

-Cancellation of Registration cannot be made as place of business shown by the petitioner was held to be not suited for the present business activities


Case Subject




Actual Physical
Movement and
Genuineness of
Transactions to
be proved for
entitlement to
claim ITC

Malik Traders
v. State of U.P.
[2023] 155

Show Cause Notice was issued to the Petitioner U/Sec 74 for wrong availment of Credit.
The Court observed that the petitioner has only brought on record the tax invoices, e-way bills, GR and payment through banking channel, but no such
details such as payment of freight charges, acknowledgement of taking delivery of goods, toll receipts and payment thereof has been provided. Thus, in
absence of these documents, actual physical movement of goods and genuineness of transportation as well as transaction could not be established and in such
circumstances, further no proof of filing of GSTR 2A has also been brought on record, thus proceedings were held to be rightly initiated.
Cases Referred- State of Karnataka Vs. M/s Ecom Gill Coffee Trading Private Limited (SC), M/s Aastha Enterprises Vs. State of Bihar (Patna HC), Commissioner
Commercial Tax Vs. M/s Ramway Foods Ltd (Sales / Trade Tax Revision No. 26 of 2023) (All HC) (23-08-2023)


Mere common
location of
petitioner and
parent company
itself was not
sufficient to hold
that the
petitioner has
committed fraud
in obtaining
registration and
involved in bill
trading, without
the scrutiny of
the relevant
-Cancellation of
cannot be made
as place of
business shown
by the petitioner
was held to be
not suited for the

Sakthi Steel
India (P.) Ltd.
v. Appellate
[2023] 155
504 (Andhra
Pradesh) (29-

Court observed that SCN, which was precursor for cancellation of registration, only revealed that registration of petitioner was liable to be cancelled for the
reason "In case, Registration has been obtained by means of fraud, wilful misstatement or suppression of facts".
Observation about SCN-The Court stated that SCN was as vague and dubious as it could be without mentioning requisite particulars constituting the alleged
fraud, wilful misstatement and suppression of facts. The elements of fraud, wilful misstatement and suppression of facts may be of varied types. Hence, the nature
of fraud, wilful misstatement and suppression of facts have to be sufficiently described so as to give an opportunity to the taxpayer as otherwise, it will be difficult
for him to submit an apt and appropriate reply/objections. The public authorities must know that the issuance of SCN has an avowed purpose of stating the
formal grounds of accusation so as to invite proper reply from the person who is accused of charges. This process was based on equitable principle of natural
justice that no man should be condemned of unheard. Mere issuance of SCN devoid of requisite particulars does not amount to proper compliance of the
requirement. In that context, it was mentioned that SCN had flagrantly violated principles of natural justice. Therefore, very foundation for invocation of cancelation
was feeble as it had no legal sanctity.
Reply by the Petitioner-The Court observed that petitioner although submitted reply with requisite particulars to the best of its ability. It clearly stated that to
maintain proper supply chain and to have better control and operational efficiency on cost as well as convenience of operations, it applied for GST registration in
Andhta Pradesh by obtaining lease of part of the property owned by its parent company in Kuppam, Andhra Pradesh. The petitioner mentioned that all the TMT
purchases of the petitioner are from its parent company and sales were spread over to different States. Further, most of the scrap iron which was procured by the
petitioner from different countries was sold to its parent company. Most importantly, the petitioner avouched that the complete details of the purchases and sales
could be verified at any point of time if the need arises. The petitioner further avouched that never ever, the petitioner committed any wilful fraud, bill trading or
movement of goods without proper invoices. On such submission, petitioner sought for revocation of suspension of its GST registration.
Order for Cancellation-Registration of the petitioner was cancelled as it was held that it was obtained by playing fraud and petitioner was involved in bill trading
without actual movement of goods and genuine invoices on following reasons
a) Parent and group company have obtained registration in respect of same premises,
b) Leasehold premises of the petitioner was not conducive for the type of business it has undertaken i.e., sale of TMT bars and billets, since it was the case of
the petitioner that all the goods supplied to its parent company were delivered as and when the goods were received from suppliers and the finished goods
which are purchased from parent company are immediately shipped to the buyers and such is the business activity of the petitioner, there was no need to take
huge land to an extent of Ac.2.71 cents when the same is not used for storing the goods,
c) Lease Deed dated 26-11-2022 was an unregistered document.
Observation about the Order- The main reason for cancellation of registration was that the petitioner and its parent company emanate from same premises.
The Officer without verifying the records to know whether the petitioner was involved in issuing and obtaining the fake invoices and doing fake business to avoid
tax, concluded that place of business shown by the petitioner was not suited for the present business activities and hence, recommended for cancelation. The
Court stated that they were unable to comprehend, even if the place of business of the petitioner for argument sake was not conducive for its business, how the
said fact can be treated as sufficient to conclude that petitioner obtained registration by committing fraud or wilful misstatement or suppression of facts. It should
not be forgotten that whether petitioner was involved in bill trading without proper receipt and supply of goods can be determined only after thorough examination
of relevant records such as account books, e waybills, transportation particulars, toll plaza particulars etc. However, in spite of petitioner's submission that complete
details of purchases and sales could be verified at any point of time, the authority without resorting to such logical and legal exercise, simply carried away by the
recommendations of the Inspecting Authority who on a conjuncture suspected that taxpayer may be engaged in bill trading without proper receipt and supply of
goods, for which there was no proper basis. Therefore, impugned registration cancellation order was held not to be sustainable.
Observation about appellate order-The appellate authority was also held to be committed the same mistake in confirming the order of without considering a
logical question as to how the mere commonality of the location of the petitioner and parent company itself is sufficient to hold that the petitioner has committed
fraud in obtaining registration and involved in bill trading, without the scrutiny of the relevant records.
Held- Original order and appellate order was set aside. Writ Petition was allowed with a direction to restore the GST registration of the petitioner.

Part-121-One Pager Snapshot to Cases- Principle of Estoppel cannot override the principle of law

Can objection be raised about an infirmity in the procedure followed which was inconsistent with the Principle of Law or Principle of Estoppel would override the Principle of Law and where Section 160 of CGST Act, 2017 plays its part







Cherukuri Mani v. Chief
Secretary, Government of
Andhra Pradesh & Ors
(2015) 13 SCC 722

“14. Where the law prescribes a thing to be done in a particular manner following a particular procedure, it shall be done in the same manner
following the provisions of law, without deviating from the prescribed procedure.............”


Where Law
prescribes of doing a
particular thing in a
particular manner, it
shall be done in that

Union Of India & Ors.
Versus Mahendra Singh
(SC) dated 25th July 2022

Where a power is given to do a certain thing in a certain way the thing must be done in that way or not at all. Other methods of performance are
necessarily forbidden.

Where Law
prescribes of doing a
particular thing in a
particular manner, it
shall be done in that

Cherukuri Mani v. Chief
Secretary, Government
of Andhra Pradesh & Ors

“14. Where the law prescribes a thing to be done in a particular manner following a particular procedure, it shall be done in the same manner
following the provisions of law, without deviating from the prescribed procedure.............”

Where Law
prescribes of doing a
particular thing in a
particular manner, it
shall be done in that

Chandra Kishore Jha v.
Mahavir Prasad & Ors
(21st September 1999)

“17....................It is a well-settled salutary principle that if a statute provides for a thing to be done in a particular manner, then it has to
be done in that manner and in no other manner. (See with advantage: Nazir Ahmad v. King Emperor [(1935-36) 63 IA 372 : AIR 1936 PC
253 (II)] , Rao Shiv Bahadur Singh v. State of V.P. [AIR 1954 SC 322 : 1954 SCR 1098] , State of U.P. v. Singhara Singh [AIR 1964 SC 358
: (1964) 1 SCWR 57] .) An election petition under the rules could only have been presented in the open court up to 16-5- 1995 till 4.15 p.m.
(working hours of the Court) in the manner prescribed by Rule 6 (supra) either to the Judge or the Bench as the case may be to save the period
of limitation. That, however, was not done................”


Principle of
estoppel cannot
override the law.

Krishna Rai (Dead)
Through LRS & Ors.
versus Banaras Hindu
University Through
Registrar & Ors. (SC) (16-

The Court held that the Division Bench fell in error in applying the principle of estoppel that the appellants having appeared in the interview and
being unsuccessful proceeded to challenge the same and on that ground alone, allowed the appeals, set-aside the judgment of the learned Single
Judge. The Division Bench having approved the reasoning of the learned Single Judge, ought not to have interfered in the judgment of the learned
Single Judge on a technical plea. The Division Bench ought to have considered that the appellants were Class-IV employees working from
1977 onwards and expecting from them to have raised serious objection or protest at the stage of interview and understanding the
principles of changing the Rules of the game, was too far-fetched, unreasonable and unwarranted. It was further held that the case laws
relied upon by the Division Bench would have no application in the facts of the present case as none of the judgments relied upon by the
Division Bench laid down that principle of estoppel would be above law. It is settled principle that principle of estoppel cannot override
the law. The manual duly approved by the Executive Council will prevail over any such principle of estoppel or acquiescence

Principle of
estoppel cannot
override the law.

Tata Chemicals Ltd. Vs.
Commissioner of
Customs (preventive),
Jamnagar 2015 (11) SCC

“In law equally the Tribunal ought to have realized that there can be no estoppel against law. If the law requires that something be done in a
particular manner, it must be done in that manner, and if not done in that manner has no existence in the eye of law at all. The Customs
Authorities are not absolved from following the law depending upon the acts of a particular assessee. Something that is illegal cannot convert itself
into something legal by the act of a third person.”


No consent by the
assessee or no
waiver on his part can
confer jurisdiction
upon the Income-tax

Commissioner Of IncomeTax vs Ramsukh Motilal
AIR 1955 Bom 227

If a notice under section 34 of the Income-tax Act, 1922, gave only six days to the assessee to make a return under that section, the notice was
clearly illegal and such illegality cannot be waived by the assessee and no consent can confer jurisdiction upon a court if court had no jurisdiction,
and if we take the view that the Income-tax Officer can have jurisdiction only provided he complies with the conditions laid down in section 34, then
no consent by the assessee or no waiver on his part can confer jurisdiction upon the Income-tax Officer. Thus, in that case assessee had actually
made a return pursuant to the invalid notice under section 34 and it was yet held that reassessment proceedings pursuant to the said notice were
invalid. (This decision was approved by Supreme Court in Y. Narayana Chetty & Another vs The Income-Tax Officer, Nellore Equivalent
citations: 1959 AIR 213).


Word of Caution as
Principle of Estoppel
incorporated in CGST

Section 160(2) of CGST
Act, 2017

The service of any notice, order or communication shall not be called in question, if the notice, order or communication, as the case may
be, has already been acted upon by the person to whom it is issued or where such service has not been called in question at or in the earlier
proceedings commenced, continued or finalised pursuant to such notice, order or communication

Part-120-One Pager Snapshot to Cases for Section -129 on Expired Eway Bill-Part IV

Snapshot contains decisions on the subject matter whether Intent to Evade is to be established for levy of penalty for movement with Expired E-way Bill and applicability of Section 126 for levy of penalty in such cases


Case Subject




No Requirement
to check intent
to evade

Sterile India (P.) Ltd. v.
Union of India [2023]
149 5
(Punjab & Haryana)

The Court observed that for the purpose of Section 129 of the CGST/SGST Act, 2017 there is no requirement that there should be intention to
evade tax. The authorities are not required to establish intention to evade payment of tax. It was stated that Section 129 has been enacted to check
evasion of tax. If the goods are intercepted during transit and the documents accompanying the goods are not in compliance with the provisions of the
Act, authorities are within their power to detain the goods and demand payment of tax and 100% penalty under the provisions. It was further observed by
the Court that the petitioner did not deny that payment under Section 129(3) of the CGST/SGST Act, 2017 had been made. Therefore, keeping in view
the bare provision of Section 129 (5) it was further observed that all proceedings in respect to the notice were deemed to have been concluded


Intent to Evade
to be
established for
levy of penalty
for movement
with Expired Eway Bill

Shree Govind Alloys
(P.) Ltd. v. State of
Gujarat [2023] 148 382

The Court observed that e-Way Bill had expired 41 hours before and the detention was also on the ground that the goods are of expiration of the e-Way
bill number, which had expired during the transit. The Court relied upon the decision in Govind Tobacco Manufacturing Co. v. State of U.P., [2022] 140 383 (Ahhahabad) wherein it was held that as there is expiry of e-Way bill on transit, the seizure of said vehicle and the goods is not
permissible under the law. It further relied upon the decision of High Court of Madhya Pradesh in M/s. Daya Shaker Singh v. State of Madhya
Pradesh passed in Writ Petition No.12324 of 2022 on 10-8-2022, where also the Court had intervened considering the fact that the respondent could not
establish any element of evasion of tax with fraudulent intent or negligence on the part of the petitioner. The Court thereafter allowed the petition while
observing that the delay appeared to be bona fide and without establishing any fraudulent intention and there was no fraudulent intention for
this to happen.


No Penalty for
movement with
Expired Eway
Bill if mens rea
not proved by

Orson Holdings
Company Ltd. v. Union
of India [2023] 147 71

In the instant case, goods which were to be delivered, could not be delivered in time and when inspected, some of the e-Way bill numbers had shown
expired. The company was situated at Howrah, West Bengal and the place of delivery was Jamnagar, Gujarat and in transit, this e-Way bill has expired.
The Court held that the case is squarely covered by the decision of this Court in Shree Govind Alloys (P.) Ltd. which has not been further
challenged and even otherwise, from the facts which are robust in nature, it can be gathered that there does not appear to be any ill-intent on
the part of the petitioner to use the expired e-Way bill


Mens Rea
needs to be
established by
the authority in
was of
movement of
goods with
Expired E-way

Sanskruthi Motors v.
Joint Commissioner
(Appeals) [2022] 145 164

The reason for invoking Section 129 of the CGST laws was that the e-way bill has expired. The Court distinguished the decision of Division Bench
of Kerala High Court in Renjilal Damodaran's case and took a different view as the Division Bench did not consider the question as to whether the
imposition of a major penalty along with a demand for IGST was justified for the reason that the e-way bill had expired. The Court relied upon the
judgement in the matter of Podaran Foods India (P.) Ltd.v. State of Kerala [2021] 123 282 and also on the Judgement of Division Bench of
the Telangana High Court in Satyam Shivam Papers (P.) Ltd's case (supra) and stated that the officer was duty bound to consider the explanation
offered by the petitioner for the expiry of the e-way bill. There was no finding that there was any attempt to evade tax. Further it was also observed
by the Court that the judgment of Telangana High Court in Satyam Shivam Papers (P.) Ltd.'s case (supra) was challenged before the Supreme Court and
the Special Leave Petition was dismissed by a speaking order. In view of the aforesaid findings, the order was quashed and remanded back to
consider the amount of penalty to be imposed on the petitioner taking note of the findings in the Judgment


Intent to Evade
required to be
proved in case
of movement of
goods with
Expired Eway
Bill and
applicability of
Section 126 for
levy of penalty
to the breach

Daya Shanker Singh v.
State of Madhya
Pradesh [2022] 142 266
(Madhya Pradesh)

E-way Bill was valid upto 19-5-2022 and truck was intercepted on 20-5-2022 at 4.35 A.M. The petitioner contended that there was no element of tax
evasion, fraudulent intent and negligence on his part was not rebutted by learned counsel for the respondents. The petitioner relied upon the judgement
by Telangana High Court in the matter of Satyam Shivam Papers (P.) Ltd. v. Asstt. CST [2021] 127 646/50 GSTL 459/5 GSTJ Online 174)
against which the revenue filed by SLP was dismissed with a speaking order in the matter of Asstt. CST v. Satyam Shivam Papers (P.) Ltd. [2022] 134 241/57 GSTL 97/90 GST 479/[2022] 7 GSTJ Online 16 (SC). The reliance was also placed on the judgement of Calcutta High Court
in Ashok Kumar Sureka v. Asstt. Commissioner, State Tax Durgapur Range [2022] 7 GSTJ Online 78 (Cal.). The High Court observed that the revenue
could not establish that there exist any element of evasion of tax, fraudulent intent or negligence on the part of the petitioner and thus held
that in the above backdrop, the impugned notice/order could not have been passed. Further Court also observed that principles of natural justice
were statutorily recognized and ingrained alognwith doctrine of proportionality while bringing sub-section (1) of section 126 in the Statute Book and
punishment should be commensurate to the breach is the legislative mandate as per sub-section (1) of section 126. Thus, it was held that in the instant
case, the delay of almost 4:30 hours before which E-way Bill stood expired appeared to be bonafide and without establishing fraudulent intent
and negligence on the part of petitioner, the impugned notice/order could not have been passed

Part-119-One Pager Snapshot to Cases- Principle of Substantial Compliance detailed out in CCE v. Hari Chand Shri Gopal, (2011) 1 SCC 236

The distinction between the eligibility criteria and other conditions in the exemption notification and what conditions would be considered as mandatory in nature and what will be construed to directory in nature


Case Subject



Exemption only upon
establishing entitlement

The law is well settled that a person who claims exemption or concession has to establish that he is entitled to that exemption or concession. A provision providing for an
exemption, concession or exception, as the case may be, has to be construed strictly with certain exceptions depending upon the settings on which the provision has
been placed in the Statute and the object and purpose to be achieved.


Strict approach for deciding
Eligibility to claim Exemption
but may take liberal
approach for other conditions

Referring to Tata Iron & Steel Co. Ltd. v. State of Jharkhand and Ors. (2005) 4 SCC 272, it was held that that the principles as regard construction of an exemption
notification are no longer res integra; whereas the eligibility clause in relation to an exemption notification is given strict meaning wherefor the notification has to be
interpreted in terms of its language, once an assessee satisfies the eligibility clause, the exemption clause therein may be construed literally.


Mandatory and Directory

If exemption is available on complying with certain conditions, the conditions have to be complied with. Some of the provisions of an exemption notification may be
directory in nature and some are of mandatory in nature. The mandatory requirements of those conditions must be obeyed or fulfilled exactly, though at times, some
latitude can be shown, if there is a failure to comply with some requirements which are directory in nature, the non-compliance of which would not affect the essence or
substance of the notification granting exemption. A distinction between provisions of statute which are of substantive character and were built in with certain specific
objectives of policy, on the one hand, and those which are merely procedural and technical in their nature, on the other, must be kept clearly distinguished.


What is the Principle of
Substantial Compliance

What is Principle of Substantial Compliance-This doctrine is a judicial invention, equitable in nature, designed to avoid hardship in cases where a party does all that
can reasonably expected of it, but failed or faulted in some minor or inconsequent aspects which cannot be described as the "essence" or the "substance" of the
requirements. Like the concept of "reasonableness", the acceptance or otherwise of a plea of "substantial compliance" depends upon the facts and circumstances of
each case and the purpose and object to be achieved and the context of the prerequisites which are essential to achieve the object and purpose of the rule or the
regulation. Such a defence cannot be pleaded if a clear statutory prerequisite which effectuates the object and the purpose of the statute has not been met.
Need for “Substantial Compliance”-Substantial compliance of an enactment is insisted, where mandatory and directory requirements are lumped together, for in such
a case, if mandatory requirements are complied with, it will be proper to say that the enactment has been substantially complied with notwithstanding the non- compliance
of directory requirements. In cases where substantial compliance has been found, there has been actual compliance with the statute, albeit procedurally faulty.
What “Substantial Compliance” seeks to preserve-The doctrine of substantial compliance seeks to preserve the need to comply strictly with the conditions or
requirements that are important to invoke a tax or duty exemption and to forgive non-compliance for either unimportant and tangential requirements or requirements that
are so confusingly or incorrectly written that an earnest effort at compliance should be accepted.
Test for determining the applicability of Principle-The test for determining the applicability is whether the requirements relate to the "substance" or "essence" of the
statute, if so, strict adherence to those requirements is a precondition to give effect to that doctrine. On the other hand, if the requirements are procedural or directory in
that they are not of the "essence" of the thing to be done but are given with a view to the orderly conduct of business, they may be fulfilled by substantial, if not strict
compliance. In other words, a mere attempted compliance may not be sufficient, but actual compliance of those factors which are considered as essential.
Role of the Court-Certainly, it means that the Court should determine whether the statute has been followed sufficiently so as to carry out the intent for which the statute
was enacted and not a mirror image type of strict compliance. The court should determine whether the statute has been followed sufficiently so as to carry out the intent
of the statute and accomplish the reasonable objectives for which it was passed


What is the Principle of
Substantial Compliance

What was not condoned-Four conditions were imposed for grant of benefit of exemption in relation to the services provided for transport of certain goods from ICD to
Port of Export. One of the conditions so imposed was that the details of exporters invoice relating to the export goods should be specifically mentioned in the lorry receipt
and the corresponding shipping bill. Assessee did not fulfil the condition and refund was rejected. The court held that object of requiring the details of exporters invoice to
be mentioned in the lorry receipt and corresponding shipping bill was to ensure that what had reached port was the consignment of that exporter and that there was no
duplication of claim. Therefore, the relaxation of such a condition would tantamount to the removal of the very life breath of the notification.
What could have been condoned-What could at the most be done by Courts or even by the statutory authorities, is to condone certain insignificant requirements. For
instance, if an application for extension of the benefit of exemption has to be endorsed by someone, but was endorsed by some other person, the mistake can be
condoned as mere procedural in nature. But when the very availability of the benefit of exemption is made contingent upon the fulfilment of certain conditions, those
conditions cannot be dismissed as matters of procedure.


Commissioner of GST and
Central Excise v. Bharat
Electronics Ltd [2022] 136 145 (Madras)

Relying upon the Judgement in Commissioner of Customs (Import) v. Dilip Kumar & Co. [2018] 95 327/69 GST 239 which also referred CCE v. Hari
Chand Shri Gopal, (2011) 1 SCC 236 held that inadvertent mistake in filling in the wrong figures in Column 6 of Form TRAN-1 cannot prove fatal to the respondent's claim
of ITC, if Transitional Credit is denied even if they are otherwise entitled to, then it could frustrate the very objective of extending the benefit of transition of Input Tax
Credit from the erstwhile regime of GST

Part-118-One Pager Snapshot to Cases for Section -129 on Expired Eway Bill-Part III

Covers judgement on the issue whether mens-rea is required to be proved for levy of penalty in case of movement of goods with expired Eway bills U/Sec 129 of CGST Act, 2017


Case Subject




Mens Rea
needs to be
established for
levying penalty
under Section

Medha Servo Drives (P.)
Ltd. v. Assistant
Commissioner of State
Tax [2023] 147 151
(Calcutta) (17-11-2022)

A single invoice was raised by the appellants to M/s. Chittaranjan Locomotive Works, a public sector undertaking. The goods which were to be supplied
to the said Public Sector Undertaking was of very huge in size and, therefore, the appellants had raised multiple e-weigh bills and loaded the goods into
three trucks. One of the three trucks had already reached the consignee which was not disputed by the Revenue. The other two trucks could not reach
the destination within the validity of the e-weigh bills i.e. 23-8-2021. The vehicle along with the goods were intercepted by the authorities on 25-8-2021.The
Court observed that the short issue which the Appellate Authority was required to consider as to whether there is any mens rea on the part of
the appellants in attempting to evade payment of tax. It is well settled that by merely using the expression "mens rea", it would not amount to
concluding that there was a willful attempt on the part of the dealer to evade the payment of tax. Concerned authority or First Appellate Authority,
was required to record reasons in writing as to how and in what manner mens rea was established. Since this was lacking, the matter was remanded
back to the Appellate Authority for fresh consideration to decide this short issue as to whether there is any mens rea to evade payment of duty


Intent to Evade
required to be
proved for levy
of penalty for
Expired Eway

Ajay Shaw v. Assistant
Commissioner of State
Tax [2022] 145 162
(Calcutta) (23-08-2022)

Goods were being transported after expiry of the e-way bill which was expired on 22-8-2021 at 11.59 p.m. and the vehicle in question was intercepted at
9.30 p.m. on 23-8-2021. There was a time gap between the expiry of the bill and interception of the vehicle in question of about 21 hrs., which
was less than a day and writ petitioner submitted that there was no intention of any evasion of tax on the part of the petitioner and there was
a genuine problem of break down of the vehicle in question. The Court observed that the revenue could not make out any case against the
petitioner that there was any deliberate or willful intention of the petitioner to avoid and evade the tax. The Court disposed off the writ petition by
setting aside the aforesaid impugned order of the appellate authority and adjudicating authority


Mens Rea is to
be established
for levying
penalty under
Section 129

KDG Projects (P.) Ltd. v.
Commissioner of State
Tax [2022] 144 189
(Calcutta) (21-09-2022)

The order was passed by the competent authority directing the appellants to pay 100% tax and 100% penalty on the goods, which were transported, on
the ground that e-way bill had expired and 48 hours had lapsed. The High Court was of the considered view that the learned appellate authority
should consider the question as to whether there was any intentional attempt made by the appellants to evade payment of tax. Since this
aspect has not been considered by the learned appellate authority, matter was remnded back to the appellate authority for fresh consideration.


Intent to Evade
to be present for
levy of penalty
under Section
129 for
movement of
goods with
Expired E-way

Hanuman Ganga
Hydroprojects (P.) Ltd.
v. Joint Commissioner,
State Tax Authority,
Siliguri [2022] 142 348
(Calcutta) (06-07-2022)

The issue in this appeal is whether the authorities were justified in imposing tax and penalty on the ground that, at the time of interception, the validity
period of the E-Way bill stood expired. The High Court considered the reasoning of the petitioner for delay in transportation to be a bona fide one as the
petitioner cannot be said to benefitted in any way by the delay in transportation of the crane and moreover the delay in transportation was on account of
the heavy nature of the goods and the length of the vehicle. Further the period between expiry of the validity period of the E-Way bill dated September
25, 2021 and the time of interception and consequent detention of such vehicle was not a substantial one. The High Court was of the considered view
that the error cannot be said to be a grave one for the purpose of holding the assessee liable to penalty as directed by the orders passed by the authorities
under the said statute as it is not a case of tax evasion. The Court observed that authorities have not returned any finding that there was any
deliberate and wilful attempt on the part of the writ petitioner to evade payment of tax. Thus it was held that there was no lack of bona fide on
the part of the writ petitioner in the instant case for not extending the validity period of the E-Way bill within the aforesaid short period of time.
It was also not a case of wilful attempt on the part of the writ petitioner to evade payment of tax. High Court stated that order was being passed
on the peculiar facts and circumstances of this case as recorded hereinbefore and the same cannot be treated to be a precedent


Movement of
Goods with
Expired Eway
Bill not liable for
Penalty in
absence of
Intent to Evade

Commissioner, State
Tax v. Ashok Kumar
Sureka [2022] 141 378
(Calcutta) (12-05-2022)

The tax invoice was raised by Bhaskar Steel and Ferro Alloy Pvt. Ltd. dated 7th September, 2019 alongwith e-way bill dated 7th September, 2019 as the
goods were to be despatched from SRMB Srijan Pvt. Ltd. to the writ petitioner, who had its registered office at Kolkata. The said e-way bill was valid upto
9th September, 2019 since the approximate distance was about 168 kilometers. The writ petitioner had a supply order from Om Dayal Educational and
Research Society, which also has its registered office at Kolkata but, however the goods had to be shifted to a place in Durgapur. Therefore, the writ
petitioner raised a second e-way bill on 7th September, 2019 and since the distance from SRMB Srijan Pvt. Ltd., Durgapur to the Delhi Public School,
Durgapur was only 9 kilometers, the e-way bill was valid only for one day, i.e. 7th September, 2019 to 8th September, 2019 (midnight). The e-way bill,
which was being carried in the vehicle transporting the goods had expired on the midnight of 8th September, 2019 and the goods were being transported
on 9th September, 2019 and the vehicle was intercepted at 1.30 p.m.(noon). The High Court observed that admittedly, the first e-way bill dated 7th
September, 2019 was valid upto 9th September, 2019 and therefore, in the absence of second e-way bill, the tax authorities at Durgapur could
not have intercepted or detained the vehicle. Therefore, the explanation offered by the respondent/writ petitioner was held to be an acceptable
explanation and a case could not be made out that there was a deliberate and willful attempt on the part of the respondent/writ petitioner to
evade payment of tax so as to justify invocation of the power under section 129 of the Act. Therefore, the Court upheld the relief granted by the
writ Court and stated that they have examined the facts in hand, the bona fides of the respondent/writ petitioner and then arrived at a conclusion that it
was not a case of willful attempt to evade payment of tax and therefore, decision having been rendered on peculiar facts cannot be treated as a precedent

Part-117-One Pager Snapshot to Cases for Section 129 on Expired Eway Bill-Part II

-Is intent to evade relevant for Movement of Goods with Expired E-way Bill
-Can Penalty be dropped for failure to extend validity of Eway Bill
-What if vehicle intercepted with Cancelled E-way Bill


Case Subject




Is intent to
evade be seen
in case of
Movement of
Goods with
Expired E-way

Pushpa Devi Jain
v. Assistant
Commissioner of
Revenue, [2023]
206 (Calcutta) (03-

Petitioner relied upon the judgement delivered by the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Satyam Shivam. The High Court observed that apart from a bald statement
that the vehicle broke down in the midst of the journey, there was no document in support of such statement. As long as the provision to revalidate the e-way
bill remained in the rule book, the same was required to be strictly complied despite the fact that the same may be practically difficult to implement. There is no
scope to exercise discretion at any stage and opportunity of hearing was given to allow the person in charge of the goods and/or the conveyance to produce
relevant documents to rebut the charge and not for examining the reason or ground for not being able to act in accordance with law. This Judgement was
reversed in Pushpa Devi Jain v. Assistant Commissioner of Revenue [2023] 152 239 (Calcutta) (21-03-2023) has been discussed


Levy of Penalty
dropped for
failure to extend
validity of Eway

Pushpa Devi Jain
v. Assistant
Commissioner of
Revenue [2023]
239 (Calcutta) (21-

The goods were detained as e-way bill had expired at 11:59 hours on 22nd April, 2022 and it had to be revalidated by 8 a.m. on 23rd April, 2022. However, said
date was a Saturday and the vehicle was intercepted at 8.52 a.m. There was no other allegation against the petitioner. The High Court considered the peculiar
facts of the case and observed that there was no lack of bona fide on the part of the appellant to state that there was wilful misconduct committed by the
appellant while transporting the goods. There was every possibility that even if an application was made for extension of the e-way bill within the time
permitted, 23rd April, 2022 being a Saturday, the e-way bill, in all probabilities, would not have been revalidated within the eight hours period.
Therefore, the appeal was allowed and the order was set aside by holding that considering the facts and circumstances of the case, the authority could not
have imposed penalty on the appellant


Intent to Evade
not to be seen in
cases wherein
transferred to
another vehicle
and E-way Bill
not generated

Asian Switchgear
(P.) Ltd. v. State
Tax Officer [2023]
120 (Calcutta) (03-

The Court observed that the moment the goods are unloaded from the vehicle in respect of which e-way bill was generated and loaded in a different
vehicle without any e-way bill a statutory breach is committed, liable to be dealt with in accordance with the statute. It is not for the authority to
ascertain the reason as to why such action has been undertaken. There is no requirement in law to verify the reason for transporting goods in a vehicle
without a proper e-way bill. The Court further observed that decision of Hon’ble Apex Court in Satyam Shivam does not fit into the facts of the present case,
and accordingly, the ratio laid down therein cannot be made applicable in the facts and circumstances of the instant case. On the other hand, it relied upon the
precedence laid down by Hon’ble Apex Court in the matter of Guljag Industries wherein it was held that breach of statutory provision would attract levy of
penalty and the officer does not have any authority to either reduce or waive the penalty. They further held that decision of the same High Court in Ashok
Kumar Sureka cannot be treated as precedent. The High Court thereafter looking to admission of the petitioner that the vehicle in which the goods stood
transferred for being transported allegedly to the pre-recorded destination, did not have an e-way bill, held that Section 129 will be attracted in such a situation


No Intent to
evade to be
checked if
without valid Eway Bill

Abinash Kumar
Singh v. State of
West Bengal
[2023] 148 393
(Calcutta) (03-03-

The Court observed that when the vehicle of the petitioner was intercepted, the same did not have a valid e-way bill. The e-way bill, on the basis of which the
goods were transported, expired prior to the vehicle reaching the final destination. Regarding no intent to evade being present, the High Court observed that if
the contention of the petitioner is to be accepted, then the authority will be flooded with a plethora of reasons from the errant transporters for not being able to
deliver the goods within time. In such a situation, the authority may exercise discretion either to accept or reject the ground put forth for explaining the delay in
transportation. The same will give rise to an anomalous situation when the authority may adopt pick and choose method as per their choice and tend to exercise
discretion arbitrarily. Law does not provide such unbridled power and right to the authority. In case of statutory violations, the statutory consequential steps are
required to be undertaken. Thus, it was held that as section 129 opens with a non obstante clause which lends a mandatory character to the same,
thus petitioner might or might not have been directly responsible for the delay in issuance of the gate pass, but he was certainly at fault.


No Intent to
Evade to be
established in
case of
movement with
Expired E-Way

Ashok and Sons
(HUF) v. Joint
State Tax [2023]
582 (Calcutta) (06-

The Court observed that petitioner's consignment was found lying within the territory of the state for more than three days. The E-Way bill had expired. The
driver of the vehicle stated that the vehicle suffered a breakdown. In support of his contention he failed to produce proper document. The petitioner had the
opportunity to extend the validity of the E-Way bill when the goods vehicle was allegedly had mechanical defect. The petitioner did not take any step for
extension of E-Way bill. The High Court also held that the ratio laid down in Hanuman Ganga Hydroprojects (P.) Ltd. (supra) and Ashok Kumar Sureka (supra)
are not applicable in the instant case. The High Court held that when the E-Way bill has not been extended it would be presumed that the consignment
was sent to the State of West Bengal and therefore, the respondent authority was lawfully permitted to impose penalty under section 129 as well as
the SGST as the goods were found to be detained in the territory of the State


intercepted with
Cancelled Eway Bill and
remanded back
to establish

Rumki Biswas v.
Senior Joint
Commercial Taxes
[2023] 148 359
(Calcutta) (01-12-

In the instant matter appellant had generated part A of the e-way bill on 22nd March, 2022 and part - B was generated on 24th March, 2022. However, since the
goods could not be loaded into the vehicle, the appellant cancelled part A of e-way bill dated 22nd March, 2022 and generated new part A e-way bill on 24th
March, 2022. When the vehicle was intercepted, the driver was carrying part B of e-way bill in respect of which part A has been cancelled. The High Court
observed that the short point, which was required to be canvassed by the appellant before the appellate authority was to establish the bona fides
of the appellant and to prove that there was no intention to evade payment of duty. Since this aspect was not adequately dealt with by the appellate
authority and taking note of the peculiar facts and circumstances arising in the case on hand, matter was remand back to the appellate authority
for a fresh consideration bearing in mind the conduct of the appellant. The appellant was directed to place all the materials in support of their claim
without unnecessary burdening the appellate authority

Part-116-One Pager Snapshot to Cases for Section -129 on Expired Eway Bill-Part I

-Goods could not be taken to the destination within the time for reasons beyond the control of the taxpayer
-Provisions of Section 126 applicable in case of Goods found to be moved with Expired E-way Bill
-Transporters are mandated not to transport goods basis expired E-Way Bills
-Goods unloaded after validity period although vehicle reached the destination within the prescribed time
-No Penalty on movement with Expired E-way Bill, if intent to evade absent
-Intent to Evade required to be established in case of expiry of E-way Bill due to circumstances beyond the control of the Taxpayer
-Movement of Goods with Expired E-way Bill falls within Section 122(1)(xiv) and leviable with a penalty of Rs 10000


Case Subject




Goods could not be
taken to the
destination within the
time for reasons
beyond the control of
the taxpayer

Commissioner (ST) v.
Satyam Shivam Papers
(P.) Ltd. [2022] 134 241 (SC)

Upon our having made these observations, learned counsel for the petitioners has attempted to submit that the questions of law in this case, as
regards the operation and effect of Section 129 and violation by the writ petitioner, may be kept open. The submissions sought to be made do not
give rise to even a question of fact what to say of a question of law. As noticed hereinabove, on the facts of this case, it has precisely been
found that there was no intent on the part of the writ petitioner to evade tax and rather, the goods in question could not be taken to the
destination within time for the reasons beyond the control of the writ petitioner. When the undeniable facts, including the traffic blockage
due to agitation, are taken into consideration, the State alone remains responsible for not providing smooth passage of traffic


Provisions of Section
126 applicable in
case of Goods found
to be moved with
Expired E-way Bil

Nirmal Kumar Mahaveer
Kumar v. Commissioner
of CGST [2023] 149 128

In the instant case subject goods were intercepted on 29-9-2020 at 3:40 AM, by which time the e-way bill had expired. The High Court observed
that the order was passed on the same date on which SCN was issued i.e., 30-9-2020. Therefore, matter was remanded to take a fresh decision in
the matter, after giving the petitioner due opportunity to produce relevant material/evidence to establish its case, that the delay in transporting the
goods to their destination was on account of genuine reasons. It was further directed by the High Court to the Proper Officer that while carrying
out this exercise, the concerned officer will also bear in mind, the provisions of section 126, which inter alia adverts to omission or mistake
in documentation which is easily rectifiable.


Transporters are
mandated not to
transport goods basis
expired E-Way Bills

C. Ranganathan v.
Commissioner of
Commercial Tax [2022]
139 215

The petitioners are in the business of transportation of goods. They have to be careful and cautious while transporting goods. They cannot allow the
employer who employs them for transportation of the goods to evade tax. If the goods are being removed in the clandestine manner on the strength
either expired e-way bills or forged/fabricated invoice, the petitioners are not expected to transport the goods. At the same time, no useful purpose
will be served by allowing the vehicles to be detained any longer as the vehicles will loose their intrinsic value. There is also no evidence to suggest
that the respective petitioners conspired with the said M/s. Prime Gold International Private Limited to facilitate evasion of tax


Goods unloaded after
validity period
although vehicle
reached the
destination within the
prescribed time

State of Karnataka v.
Hemanth Motors [2021]
133 323

It was argued by the Department that unloading was not done until 5.00 p.m. on the next day and therefore, the goods cannot be transported without
seeking extension of validity period of E-way bill. It was further contended that E-way bill for all practical purposes had expired on the midnight of 1-
1-2019 and therefore, it was incumbent upon taxpayer to seek extension of validity of said E-way Bill as provided under the proviso to rule 138(10).
The High Court observed that the Single Judge in his order has clearly stated that the conveyance had reached the destination on 1-1-
2019 at 11.00 p.m. which was well within the prescribed validity period under the E-way bill. The contention of the authorities that the
consignment was being delivered on 2-1-2019 and therefore, the goods cannot be transported cannot be acceded to. The materials on
record clearly indicate that the action by the authorities was taken at the destination and not during transit and therefore, an inference has to drawn
that the conveyance had reached the destination well within the subsistence of the valid period stipulated under the E-way bill. Thus, the High Court
declined to interfere with the order of the learned Single Judge


No Penalty on
movement with
Expired E-way Bill, if
intent to evade

Balaji Steel Rolling Mills
Ltd. v. State of Tripura
[2023] 147 417

E-Way bills' were generated on 02-02-2020 which were valid upto 15-2-2020. But owing to some unforeseen circumstances, the movement
of the said vehicles was delayed. The said vehicles reached Churaibari on 17-2-2020. Claiming 'e-Way bills' have expired, GST authoritiesimposed duty with penalty. High Court allowed the petition holding that 'e-Way bills' had expired during the transit and the petitioner was
not able to ask for its renewal to the competent authority when vehicle entered into the territory of the State of Tripura. In view of the said
fact, order dated 6-4-2021 passed by the Appellate Authority was held not to be proper and was be set aside


Intent to Evade
required to be
established in case of
expiry of E-way Bill
due to circumstances
beyond the control of
the Taxpayer

NE Equipment
Solutions Pvt. Ltd. v.
State of Tripura [2022]
138 96

The High Court observed that vehicle arrived at Churaibari check post carrying proper e-way bill and within the validity period of the eway bill and the validity expired on account of unforeseen and unexpected delay in crossing the check post. The issue was cleared nd
the process, however, took more than 24 hours and in the meantime, the validity of the e-way bill expired. Though petitioner generated a
new e-way bill, the GST department of the State was not prepared to accept it. High Court held that allowing the department to detain the
machinery would be wholly impermissible. The fault of the petitioner if at all was rather technical. The tax authorities must make a clear distinction
between deliberate tax evasion and technical or minor defects which manifest no intention to evade tax. When IGST liability has been
fully discharged, no intention can be attributed on part of the petitioner to evade tax., High Court thus allowed the machinery to be released
upon undertaking being filed by petitioner that subject to appeal and further right to challenge, if liability is crystallized, he would discharge the same


Movement of Goods
with Expired E-way
Bill falls within
Section 122(1)(xiv)
and leviable with a
penalty of Rs 10000

Sri Gopikrishna
Infrastructure (P.) Ltd.
v. State of Tripura*
[2021] 125 291

The competent authority detained goods of assessee under transport on plea that vehicle was carrying expired e-way bill and imposed a
tax of Rs. 3.56 lacs and penalty of Rs. 3.56 lacs (equivalent to tax payable) upon it. The High Court held that the breach falls within the
ambit of section 122(xiv) of the CGST Act and as such the petitioner is excisable to the penalty. The High Court further observed that so far
the penalty for an amount equivalent to tax is concerned those are for the incidents when the tax is sought to be evaded or not deducted under
section 51 etc and as such we are of the firm view that the Superintendent of State Tax has exceeded his jurisdiction while imposing the penalty. As
there is no dispute about the tax, we will not lay our hands on that aspect. The High Court set aside the order of penalty and directed the petitioner
to pay the sum of Rs. 10,000/- as penalty for the breach which is covered under section 122(xiv) of the CGST Act

Part-115-One Pager Snapshot to Latest Case- Commissioner, Customs Central Excise and Service Tax, Patna v. Shapoorji Pallonji & Company (P.) Ltd. [2023] 155 303 (SC) (13-10-2023)

Although a Decision in Service Tax Regime but has the potential impact of invalidating the Circular in GST and also reflects to the fact that that law should be interpreted in the manner it should be rather than to reach a particular outcome as it did not yield intended results





Customs Central
Excise and Service
Tax, Patna v.
Shapoorji Pallonji &
Company (P.) Ltd.
[2023] 155 303
(SC) (13-10-2023)

Question before the Apex Court- Whether the educational institutions in question, viz. (i) the Indian Institute of Technology, Patna (“IIT Patna”, hereafter) and (ii) the National
Institute of Technology, Rourkela (“NIT Rourkela”, hereafter), are covered by the definition of “governmental authority” in Mega Service Tax Exemption Notification?
Relevant Definition in Notification- “(s) "governmental authority" means an authority or a board or any other body;
(i) set up by an Act of Parliament or a State Legislature; or
(ii) established by Government,
with 90% or more participation by way of equity or control, to carry out any function entrusted to a municipality under article 243W of the Constitution.”
Use of “or” and “and”- In the opinion of Court, the word “or” employed in clause 2(s) manifested the legislative intent of prescribing an alternative. The word “or” in clause
2(s) was used to reflect the ordinary and normal sense, that is to denote an alternative, giving a choice; and, a different meaning cannot be assigned unless it leads to vagueness
or makes clause 2(s) absolutely unworkable. Thus, word “or” between sub-clauses (i) and (ii) indicate independent and disjunctive nature of sub-clause (i), meaning thereby that
“or” used after sub-clause (i) cannot be interpreted as “and” so as to tie it with the condition enumerated in the long line of clause 2(s) which is applicable only to sub-clause (ii).
Use of Semi Colon- The Court observed that use of a semicolon is not a trivial matter but a deliberate inclusion with a clear intention to differentiate it from sub-clause (ii).
Further, it was also observed on reading of clause 2(s) that while there was a semicolon after sub-clause (i), sub-clause (ii) closes with a comma. In the view of the Court, it
essentially supported the only possible construction that the use of a comma after sub-clause (ii) relates it with the long line provided after that and, by no stretch of imagination,
the application of the long line can be extended to sub-clause (i), the scope of which ends with the semicolon.
Held- The long line of clause 2(s) governs only sub-clause (ii) and not sub-clause (i) because of the simple reason that the introduction of semicolon after subclause (i), followed
by the word “or”, has established it as an independent category, thereby making it distinct from sub-clause (ii). If the author wanted both these parts to be read together, there
is no plausible reason as to why it did not use the word “and” and without the punctuation semicolon.
Cases Referred- Superintendent & Legal Remembrancer, State of West Bengal vs. Corporation of Calcutt- (1967) 2 SCR 170, UOI & Ors. vs. Ind-Swift Laboratories Ltd (2011)
4 SCC 635, Commissioner of Sales Tax, U.P. vs. Modi Sugar Mills Ltd (1961) 2 SCR 189, Utkal Contractors & Joinery (P) Ltd. vs State of Orissa (1987) 3 SCC 279, Green vs.
Premier Glynrhonwy Slate Co (1928) 1 K.B. 561, Sri Jeyaram Educational Trust vs. A.G. Syed Mohideen (2010) 2 SCC 513, Kantaru Rajeevaru vs. Indian Young Lawyers
Association & Ors (2020) 9 SCC 121, Girdhari Lal & Sons v. Balbir Nath Mathur (1986) 2 SCC 237
Interesting Contention by the Revenue- It was contended by the Revenue that the impugned judgment of Patna High Court carried the risk of unconditionally broadening the
coverage and scope of the exemption to include various public bodies, such as Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, Airports Authority of India, and public sector banks. These
entities could potentially claim exemptions under different clauses of the Exemption Notification, covering various services provided by a “governmental authority”. A lenient
interpretation of the term “governmental authority” could unfairly burden the exchequer.
Held by the Court- The Court held that authority having the competence to issue a notification completed its job by re-defining “governmental authority” and now it is a task
entrusted to courts to interpret. If legislature has expressed itself by making the laws and difficulties arise in interpreting what it has said, a legislature cannot be asked to sit to
resolve those difficulties. Merely because the statute does not yield intended or desired results, that cannot be reason for us to overstep and cross the Lakshman
Rekha by employing tools of interpretation to interpret a provision keeping in mind its outcome. Interpretative tools should be employed to make a statute workable and
not to reach to a particular outcome


Section 51 and N.
No. 50/2018-CT Dt.
13.09.2018. &
Interpretation in
Circular No. 76 Dt.
31-12-2018 contrary
to above decision

Relevant Definition- (a) an authority or a board or any other body, -
(i) set up by an Act of Parliament or a State Legislature; or
(ii) established by any Government,
with fifty-one per cent. or more participation by way of equity or control, to carry out any function;
How the Circular Interpreted- It is clarified that the long line written in clause (a) in notification No. 50/2018- Central Tax dated 13.09.2018 is applicable to both the items (i)
and (ii) of clause (a) of the said notification. Thus, an authority or a board or any other body whether set up by an Act of Parliament or a State Legislature or established by any
Government with fifty-one per cent. or more participation by way of equity or control, to carry out any function would only be liable to deduct tax at source.


Interpretation by
AAR of definition of
Government Entity
in NHPC Ltd [2018]
100 16

Relevant Definition- "Government Entity" means an authority or a board or any other body including a society, trust, corporation,
(i) set up by an Act of Parliament or State Legislature; or
(ii) established by any Government,
with 90 per cent or more participation by way of equity or control, to carry out a function entrusted by the Central Government, State Government, Union Territory or a local
How it was Interpreted- AAR observed that the condition of 90% or more participation by way of equity or control to carry out a function entrusted by the Central Government,
State Government, Union Territory or a local authority is relatable to only sub-clause (ii) of the definition of "Government Entity". This was held based on judgment of High Court
of Patna in the case of Shapoorji Paloonji & Company Pvt. v. CCE which has now been confirmed by the Hon’ble Apex Court

Part-114-One Pager Snapshot to Cases for Section 122, 125, 126 and 127 of CGST Act, 2017-Part I

-Rule 142(1)(a) is no manner in conflict with any provisions of the Act in view of powers conferred under Section 164
-No Penalty in the matter of Classification Disputes
-Non-mentioning of Vehicle Number in case of no intent to evade, is a procedural error
-No Interest and Penalty for Transitional credit which could not have been availed due to technical glitches on portal maintained by the Government
-To Levy Penalty U/Sec 122(2)(a), procedure U/Sec 73 is to be followed


Case Subject




Rule 142(1)(a) is
no manner in
conflict with any
provisions of the
Act in view of
powers conferred
under Section 164

Mahavir Enterprise
v. Assistant
Commissioner of
State Tax [2020] 117 471
(Gujarat) (22-06-

It was contended that Rule 142(1)(a) travels beyond the provisions of the Act when it provides for procedure to issue Notice for Section 122. Thus, Rule
142(1)(a) deserves to be declared as ultra vires being in excessive delegation of the powers.
The Court observed that Section 164 provides for the power to make rules and confers power on the Central Government to frame the rules to make rules
generally to carry out all or any of the purposes of the Act. Thus Rule 142(1)(a) is valid and is no manner conflict with any of the provisions of the Act in
view of the powers conferred under Section 164. The challenge to the validity of Rule 142(1)(a) was denied.
Cases Referred- Registrar, Co-operative Societies v. K. Kunjabmu, AIR 1980 SC 350 and State of Nagaland v. Ratan Singh, AIR 1967 SC 212, St. Johns
Teachers Training Institute v. Regional Director, National Council for Teacher Education AIR 2003 SC 1533, Ajay Canu v. UOI, AIR 1988 SC 2027.


No Penalty in the
matter of

Atlantic Care
Chemicals (P.) Ltd.
v. Superintendent
Central Tax &
Central Excise
[2023] 155 3
(Kerala) (07-09-2023)

During assessment period from April 2020 to June 2021, petitioner manufactured hand sanitizers and classified under the Tariff heading 30049088 and
declared tax liability @ 12% applicable to medicament. However, later on 5-7-2022 action was initiated under section 74(1) by issuing a SCN that
classification was under Hand Sanitizers (alcohol based) under HSN 3808 exigible to GST @ 18%. In pursuant to the SCN, order was passed and petitioner
paid assessed amount along with interest. petitioner was not disputing the said liability, he was only aggrieved by the initiation of the penalty proceedings.
The court referred to the judgement in Chakkiath Brothers v. Assistant Commissioner [2014 (3) KLT 222], wherein it was held that for a mere dispute in
classification, no penalty proceedings can be initiated and Court observed that since in the present case also there was a dispute of classification and the
authority had not considered the said judgment. Thus, the matter was remanded back for a fresh order in accordance with law, after taking into consideration
the Judgment in the case Chakkiath Brothers v. Assistant Commissioner (supra).


of Vehicle
Number in case of
no intent to evade,
is a procedural

Novateur Electrical
and Digital Systems
(P.) Ltd. v. Additional
Commissioner of
State Tax [2023] 154 637
(Punjab &

n the instant case, vehicle number was not mentioned in Part-B of the Eway Bill however, All other documents were shown by the driver. Revenue
contended that E-Way Bill was generated without completely filling Part B and thus there was violation of the provisions of law.
The Court referred to Circular dated 14-9-2018 wherein Para (f) refers to error in one or two digits/characters of the vehicle no. while generating E-Way
Bill. The Court observed that case of petitioner falls under clause (f) as he did not mention vehicle no in part B and thus proceedings under section 129
should not have been initiated. Further, at the time of search of vehicle, Part B was not filled up but the time driver filled up Part B in the presence of the
Officer and hence there was no malafide intention on the part of petitioner. Thus, it was held that proceedings under section 129 should not have been
initiated, as per circular dated 14-9-2018). It was held that object of circular dated 14-9-2018 was that in case of circumstances as detailed in the circular,
which were procedural in nature and there no intention of misleading the transfer of goods, the proceedings should not be initiated under Section 129.


No Interest and
Penalty for
Transitional credit
which could not
have been availed
due to technical
glitches on portal
maintained by the

Nithya Packaging
(P.) Ltd. v. Assistant
Commissioner of
GST and Central
Excise [2023] 154 494
(Madras) (03-07-

Petitioner faced difficulty in transitioning ITC on capital goods and communicated with Department and officials named on Web Portal. However, he was
unable to transfer the transitional credit. Thereafter, petitioner decided to avail such Credit. The credit was confirmed by Sanction Order (Tran-1 Credit)
dated 20-2-2023. Meanwhile, proceedings were initiated to recover the amounts from the petitioner, which culminated in the impugned order. By the
impugned order dated 28-3-2023, officer had imposed penalty and interest on the petitioner under section 50 and Section 73(9) read with Section 122(2)(a).
The impugned order was passed as petitioner filed a revised return in terms of the decision of Bombay High Court in Chep India Private Limited v. Union
of India and others dated 27-6-2022 and decision of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in Union of India and another v. FILCO Trade Centre Private Limited dated
22-7-2022, claiming ITC, which was earlier sanctioned by the Sanction Order (Tran-1 Credit) dated 20-2-2023. The only point that arose for consideration
was whether petitioner could be mulcted with interest and penalty even though the credit which was taken was sanctioned and merely because the petitioner
had also filed returns to transition the same credit.
The Court observed that petitioner was entitled to Rs. 11,06,396/- on the eve of implementation of GST with effect from 1-7-2017 and by Sanction Order
(Tran-1 Credit) dated 20-2-2023, proper officer had confirmed that petitioner was entitled to the aforesaid transitional credit. Therefore, merely because
petitioner had filed subsequent return and had given up the same would not mean that petitioner could be subjected to pay interest and penalty. The
difficulty arose only on account of technical glitches in the web portal maintained by the Central Government at the time of implementation of GST. The
petitioner cannot be penalized as the credit itself was allowed after the implementation of GST by Sanction Order (Tran-1 Credit) dated 20-2-2023.
Therefore, order seeking to impose interest and penalty on the petitioner was held to be unsustainable and thus quashed


To Levy Penalty
U/Sec 122(2)(a),
procedure U/Sec
73 is to be

Nandi PVC (P.) Ltd.
v. Union of India
[2022] 145 4
(Andhra Pradesh)

An Assessment Order was passed under Section 62 in Form GSTR ASMT - 13, dated 05.02.2019, demanding the Petitioner to pay tax with interest and
penalty. The penalty was levied under Section 122(2)(a) of the CGST Act, 2017. It was contended that, to impose penalty under Section 122 of CGST Act,
procedure under Sections 73 or 74 is required to be followed, for which a SCN has to be issued.
The Court observed that in order to impose penalty in terms of Section 122(2)(a) of the Act, the demand for recovery should be made following the
procedure under Section 73, in which case, the proper Officer shall issue a notice under Section 73 within three months prior to the time specified in Section
73(10). It appeared from the record that such a notice was not issued prior to passing of impugned order. Thus, order imposing penalty was set-aside and
matter was remanded back to the authority concerned